Q&A no personal details
@Eiro ok
@50CalChicken yes to both questions
Why doesn't glue stick to the bottle?
If anything is possible, than would the possibility of impossibly be possible?
@50CalChicken no
If you spilled carpet cleaner on a carpet did you really make a mess?
In hlender, a Monkey @hpgbproductions
What's the second best 3D shape?
@Eiro Ok
@ArcturusAerospace no only games i play are this roblox and minecraft
Do you play Warhammer?
@BuiltBionixInd10 q
@Eiro ok
@50CalChicken yes to both questions
Why doesn't glue stick to the bottle?
If anything is possible, than would the possibility of impossibly be possible?
@50CalChicken no
If you spilled carpet cleaner on a carpet did you really make a mess?
In hlender, a Monkey @hpgbproductions
What's the second best 3D shape?
@ArcturusAerospace no only games i play are this roblox and minecraft
Do you play Warhammer?
@BuiltBionixInd10 q