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community renders

77.1k 232287168147825  4.6 years ago

I have rendered some more community made planes in Blender. Join the Discord Request Server to request your own planes. Click on the images to get linked to the original SP plane or creator's page.

LHD Dalian

The first render batch was of Dllama's upcoming(?) Chinese LHD, Dalian. Yes, I know, Thanos water. I'm partially colorblind so the Thanos Water was an oof


Next up was Bogan's Bismarck. The model is on Sketchfab as a Creative Commons - Attribution License. I used some AI Denoise for this one for a cleaner render.

Shooting Star (Fictional)

Finally, I did TurtlesThatFly's naval bomber, The Shooting Star.

Join the Discord Request Server to request your own planes.