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Can anyone teach me how to export the planes to blender with colors, and subsequently render it in blender?

3,555 ErengBusLiniya  4.5 years ago

I have been at it for a long time now, trying to render planes in render but so far, I have no luck going beyond texturing. Every time I import my plane to blender, its a sad gray block, I know it's possible to render it as how it looks in SimplePlanes ie; colored, etc. As I have seen users share eye-candy renderings of their planes and here I am, absolutely stuck. Any help will do.

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    13.0k Mahoots

    @232287168147825 it's been a while since your reply so idk if you can reply to this, but can anything be done about the text labels just being pink boxes?

    one month ago
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    @232287168147825 Thank you

    5 months ago
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    41.0k ALRX

    @NumbersNumbersTheMan do you know how do do it with VRAY mtl in 3DS max

    4.2 years ago
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    24.4k BagelPlane

    @NumbersNumbersTheMan Nevermind, I fixed it!

    4.5 years ago
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    24.4k BagelPlane

    @NumbersNumbersTheMan I'm having trouble importing my planes to Blender. It says: FilePath C/:Users/Indom/Desktop/3D_Model/`invalid. Any chance you may know what to do?

    4.5 years ago
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    Oh thank you man! Sorry for a late response but thank you!

    4.5 years ago
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    The process is very simple.
    1) Import your plane OBJ. The materials will already be linked to it. You just need to do some quick changes.
    2) Make sure you are in material preview viewing. This can be done by pressing "Z" and clicking "Material Preview". Instead of a gray blob it will be a very shiny blob with not accurate colors.
    3) Go to your imported file and go to it's materials tab. Now we will make the colors work. This is easy, and I will provide two versions.
    4) Short version: Change your Color Space to RAW.
    4B) Long Version: Make sure you are editing the PartMaterial(Clone) material. Go to the "Base Color Tab" and click the small circle to the right of the imported colors file. From there, click "Image Texture". You should now be able to set the color space to RAW. IMAGE VERSION of this step.
    5) Play around with the Roughness, Metallic, and Specular settings to get a material you like.
    6) Render with HDRIs, ocean, land, grass, world, volumetrics anything you want!

    4.5 years ago
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    4.5 years ago