I make this plane is special IF i reached Platinum soon :) that means i will and upload it if i reached Platinum only and i will upload USS Enterprise first. i'll pick Garuda Indonesia Livery. I hope you guys enjoy all of my builds in this 4 months i create this account, IF i reached Platinum, i really want to say thank you for all of followers, friends, and supporter that is mean a lot for me
Thank you for all of supporter and friends that supporting me, that is very mean a lot for me :)
Ahhhhhhh good.
@KnightOfRen the plane? The plane is MobileFriendly, but its lag too :v 400+ part lol
But i will upload low part count too
But is it Mobile-friendly?
@KnightOfRen its done, but i will upload it when i reach platinum, and now i make USS Enterprise (CV-6)
Will it be @MobileFriendly?
@TheSavageManZ no :( i cant make it, and the parts will too much, definitely its done and the part is 400+(and its make my phone lag lol :v) but i'm not reach platinum yet
does it have interior
🤨😑 IoI ok
@Hellosss38 hmmm nah
Yes you did
I'm a supporter to
Plz do gato class sub i upvote
You will reach platinum soon. BTW its looks nice
@Hellosss38 no I didn't, lol
Because you tagged me...
@Hellosss38 so why you nutty boi say "Yes" in my answer to MobileFriendly?
I have no idea what your saying
@Hellosss38 bruh, it's jk yayo
@Hellosss38 you? What's your stuff?
@MobileFriendly sure dude, np
Let me know to my discord
Just about 5 months to reach platinum. You do good work!
@TheSupermeAvicenna no, this plane is special, so i need to make it by myself, i think i will need your help in other planes if i need