So, I am building a tomahawk cruise missile and I want to its wings to deploy as soon a I fire the cleaver so is there a way to fire a cleaver with a lock by some AG so that I can connect the rotators to them too?
So, I am building a tomahawk cruise missile and I want to its wings to deploy as soon a I fire the cleaver so is there a way to fire a cleaver with a lock by some AG so that I can connect the rotators to them too?
@WarHawk95 well, yes, but if you do it with a normal missile you can use the connection editor to strap everything onto it
@nicolascolissi14 that what I want to know how do I do that? And will the wings stay deployed when I lot go off the fireweapons button
@stig27 unless it's a custom missile...
I've got some cruise missiles on this strategic bomber. They don't lock on, but you can study them and probably figure out quite a bit. They're actually camera-guided.
If I recall correctly, use the pylon detach AG to fire and it should work