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About an aircraft

310 MuggedCup  4.5 years ago

So I’m working on an aircraft, finally, but I might scrap it. It’s an original aircraft that’s kinda based off a Mig. The wings aren’t the standard ones from base game. They’re made out of the fuselage part. Thing is... I’m struggling with keeping it stable. Also I’m doing this on mobile cause I’m lazy and don’t want to hop onto my PC. But back on topic, the wings are making me struggle and I might remove the control surfaces and just make it a gyroscope. Anyways, I’ll see y’all later... most likely...

Edit: I might post the aircraft... I dunno yet though...

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    310 MuggedCup

    @Kernels I might do that, also on a different note (idk) it’s made me learn how gyroscope’s work and I think I can make boats and other watercraft now so yay

    +1 4.5 years ago
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    64.1k PapaKernels

    @MuggedCup If you want you could make a private post and tag me so I can see what I can do to it

    4.5 years ago
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    64.1k PapaKernels

    @MuggedCup well you might need to lessen the gyro stability by a bit to get some more roll

    4.5 years ago
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    310 MuggedCup

    Also I might make it so that there will be a gyroscope on at all times and you can’t turn it off. That might make the plane more stable. There’s also the chance that I might publish it as it is and have it be an experimental plane for a certain plane company that I made

    4.5 years ago
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    310 MuggedCup

    @Kernels Just did a tiny bit of experimenting. I made the engine weightless and tested it with and without the gyroscope on. I need to modify it so that my roll is better for the gyroscope mode on and also need to modify my pitch for regular mode.

    4.5 years ago
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    64.1k PapaKernels

    What exactly is going wrong? If you cant get control check the center of mass, center of lift and the center of thrust and try messing around with that. If it acts tail heavy I suggest if you haven't already made the rear engine weightless then you probably should and it might make it fly better. But experiment with the cg, ct, and the cl.

    4.5 years ago