310 MuggedCup

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joined 6.0 years ago

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Player Biography  

Who am I?
I'm Muggedcup, but you can just call me Nevada! I currently live in Wisconsin, and I'm 1% Russian, actually. Also, I must be like, 20% Australian or something, because I can mimic an Australian accent pretty dang well.

Quick note, I'm a gender-fluid, so you can call me a she, he, or they.

- True crime (My Favorite Murder)
- History
- Aircraft
- Watercraft
- Weapons
- Discord
- Halo
- Minecraft
- SimplePlanes
- Ashy!

My Companies

Aircraft companies:
- Harrison Aerocraft
- Rocky Aeronautics and Craft (Formally Rocky-Had; changed circa 2021)

Nautical companies:
- Oly Nautical Craft

Automotive companies:
- Yeller Motives

Miscellaneous companies:

Where can I contact you?
Gmail: tuffinmuffin3301@gmail.com
Send me an email there if you want to talk. If you have Discord, provide your dizzy and SimplePlanes username, and I'll hit up your DMs. If you don't have discord, we can simply talk in Gmail. By the way, you need a solid reason. Otherwise I'll most likely not talk to you. Cheers!

Tuffin Muffin is not my real name.

This was made on February 3, 2021, 6:00 PM CST