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It's just a test don't be bothered 2.5

10.7k Mast3rmem  4.5 years ago

Some enhanced teaser I made from the previous teaser. With more lore and Screenshots

Forschulen MRF.PH26A (PHAETHON-26A)

Phaethons and pegassus

A 7 minute waste of my time creating ace combat parody poster XD

“There are pilots like you in every generation. And I felled every last one of them”


Public information

Fabellan And armed Cross Designation: MRF.26A or in simpler terms "Storm"

GRAF Designation: Phaethon or PH.26

Development: 2014-2020

Year of rollout: 29th of december 2019

Entered service: 3rd of september 2020

Primary operators: Southern People's Republic airforce United Indo States Airforce, Asami Isles airforce.

Designer: Boresvolk Kindle

Manufacturer: Forschulen Aviation, Xandero, and Lockyeet Morty

Status: Still in production, In service

-Phaethon.26 BLOCK II (With a blocky Spine and a blocky Hump to house sensors and targeting computers like the F16-Viper)

-Phaethon26 Naval-but this is the rarest version. Only 21 were built for the Karyans, even that is only used as a land based not carrier based and also a trainer

Number Built: 931 (a mixed of GRAF and other foreign airforces)

Intended use: Air supremacy, quick Agile interceptor

Classified information

Top Speed: Mach 2

Radar: Nassau Series N7778 Nano Pulse Doppler radar, all weather Multipurpose-inator

Powerplant: [REDACTED]

Fighter gen classification: 4++ generation

Other details classified


The Phaeton Series is a continuation of the pegassus series. And the Phaeton.26 is the first model out of 4 planes in the series that have yet to be planned

Its role is to complement the pegassus-80 performance. If the Pegassus-80 is a semi stealth multirole fighter designed for long and medium range air to air combat the phaeton.26 is designed for a medium to Short range air to air combat, but it can also do Long range with its BVRAAM, as to sort of "Back to back Cover". It was also intended as a backup plan just in case the pegassus-80 program failed to enter service

It was also designed to replace the aging but mass produced MB-7 Thunders , Pegassus 75s A,B and kurtz, and the Poyasakai MRF.27X currently used by the GRAF.

A Navalized design was also offered to the Navy to replace it's pegassus 75s but the Navy rejected it. This was due to the plane poor performance on moving carriers, and the wheels doesn't handle very well and was prone to drifting and on one incident one of it's 2 prototype slip through the deck and fell into the ocean, and afterall the ALA-10 is the most widespread used fighter in the Navy, and the Navy didn't had too have another one.

While off to a rocky start, the plane is very agile and it was well liked among it's test pilots, it's roll and turn ratio is faster than the Pegassus80 on medium and high speeds. The prototype for the airforce is called the Phaeton.25 is now renamed to the now official Phaeton.26A

The plane also had a sleek airframe and an omnirole configuration, this was used to partially reduce the radar signature and achieved greater speeds. It's design also featured a bubble canopy, this allows for its pilots and co pilots a greater view of the skies and battlefield

The task of building the plane is contracted to 3 companies Forschulen, Xandero Co., and Lockyeet. The task of designing the plane was handover to Forschulen, The building of the Airframe and fuselage is tasked to Xandero Airplanes.Co, and the weapons systems were tasked to Lockyeet

With the slight help from bernkastel I MEAN the fabellans the landing gear bays were the most beautiful and the most sophisticated at the time. The first squadrons of PH.26 is assigned to the 3rd Tactical GRAF Aircombat div. Known for their Deadly tactics and ace pilots.

Combat Service

The Phaethon.26 First saw action during the late phase of UKoG and U.S.I.R war, the U.S.I.R declared war and independence from UKoG because it's Coron- I mean The "Virus" Cases in the now U.S.I.R teritory isn't taken seriously and medical equipment diverted to the global cause. A coalition of 4 nation is tasked to defeat the secessionist, the secessionist at first hastely took over local bases violently and take everything they had, but a combined Acadian And greglandian Carpet bombing campaign significantly reduced the strength and mobility of the opposing forces assets.

Although reduced, their newly formed airforce put up a significant threat to coalition forces because most of their aircraft were captured and repurposed Greglandian MB-7s, Matszuzaka-181s, a handful of old Pegasus-60s and more. Now the Greglandians have to dealt with their own aircraft, but luckily 3 finished batches of Paethons are ready to be sent to battle.

A hastely new squadron was formed called the 31st tactical combat squadron. Because the phaethons flight controls is the same of the Pegasus 80s the pilots had no trouble adapting themselves. September 3rd over the city of aschenko (the now capital of U.S.I.R) 3 of the said phaethons shot down 5 enemy planes, 2 Pegassus 60s, 1 MB-7, and 2 very old FJ-Striker Fighter jets.


The phaethon 26 is equiped with a nano pulse doppler radar, it was developed by Lockyeet for over a decade

It's designer was non other than Doctor Doofershcmitz
(Sounds familiar to you? Welp I ran out of names and people for my lore)

The nano radar had the same capabilities, and reliability as any pulse doppler radars. But could achive 6 times the power. How many pulses from these radars were still classified by the Greglandian government. Because of this the Greglandians only sold these planes to it's trusted allies.


2x Fuel tanks (Could be repurposed as additional space for AMRAAMs
2x High explosive Ground penetrating Bombs
4x Anti ground targets Missiles




AG-2 Activate the weapons

AG-3 Detach fuel tanks (again... Even if I use infinite fuel I just wanna add realism)

AG-4 Open the Radome

AG-5 Lights

AG-6 Extend fuel probe

AG-7 Release bombs


Because of simpleplanes physics you may tipped over when landing at higher speeds or even destroy the entire plane. This thing is a one soft lady that always wants your attention, so land it like a leaf from a tree, slow, steady and soft. Pull the flaps, decelerate to around 300-200mph and touchdown.

Also again there is teeny tiny chance the wheels starts to twitch uncontrolably while touchdown, it's just sp physics don't blame me for that I tried my best.


Thank you to bernkastel for making the back landing gear bays! Awesome! Also this plane inspired him to do the Beatrice delta wing fighter thingy!

Some notes to read

While making this plane I've considered to add a twin vertical stabilizers to it. But I realised it wasn't cool so I just reverted it back to one. Also fun fact this supposed to had a wing configuration like the mirage 2000 but the aero dynamics sucks so I took it back to the drawing board and made a eurofighter type like configuration. Also you probably wondered why it looks like an f4 phantom from the side?

Because I originally planned it to be an F-4 sooo... Yeet I always abandoned my real life aircraft replicas project lmao


I felt I should promote this because we need to fill up the map and create a proper solid lore to it

There's people Like DarkMarble1, Quackie, Sol1isSunny and EVEN HOMEMADE! , join the termacael universe!



Dogfighting over the skies of the newly independent United Southern Islanders Republic from the United Kingdom Of Greglandia

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    10.7k Mast3rmem

    This will be released on Sunday at 9:00 PM Western Indonesian time! Stay tuned!

    Pinned 4.5 years ago
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    33.3k Bernkastel

    @MemeLordMASTERMEMES we have our planes that we cannot expand our whole inventory with

    4.5 years ago
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    38.2k V

    I am bothered 2.5, the almost trilogy

    4.5 years ago
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    51.7k PyrrhaNikos


    4.5 years ago
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    10.7k Mast3rmem

    @Bernkastel why

    4.5 years ago
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    10.7k Mast3rmem

    @Bernkastel ok

    4.5 years ago
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    33.3k Bernkastel

    heads up bro the fabellans, arseans, odraseans, and other countries cant order Phaetons

    4.5 years ago
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    10.7k Mast3rmem

    @brians1209 Huzzaaah

    +1 4.5 years ago
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    13.8k brians1209

    Long Live Greglandia! Huzzah!

    +1 4.5 years ago
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    10.7k Mast3rmem

    @BagelPlane Lol

    4.5 years ago
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    24.4k BagelPlane

    Photoshopped NYC lol

    4.5 years ago
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    68.8k Homemade1


    +1 4.5 years ago
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    10.7k Mast3rmem


    4.5 years ago