Hey SP community. I've been inactive for over a year, but I'm back (for now at least). I'm gonna try something totally new and that I have not done like 20 times already... a rework of all my planes...
Also, I've caught up a bit with everything that's new, but I'm still a little confused by Funky Tree, so if anyone could help me with that, thanks.
Also, I see a lot of custom backgrounds in screenshots, how are people doing that?
Nice. It's still going to be Maelström designing planes BTW, just not an RP nation. @Son This is Bman BTW right?
I’ll give you some nostalgia in a single word:
@ollielebananiaCFSP il est déjà dessus au cas où tu saurais pas
viens sur le serveur francophone SP sur le quel WarHawk95 est le gérant, que ce soit moi au staff ou tout le reste on est là pour aider :)