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Highly Classified... (teaser!)

126k AWESOMENESS360  4.5 years ago

So yeah, I may or may not have gone to some very bootleg websites that aren’t really monitored very effectively. Websites that I’m probably not legally allowed to share the names of, that are filled with patents of highly classified government information. But I was mainly focused on a couple aircraft in particular, the TR-3A “Black Manta” and the TR-3B “Astra”. I probably know way too much about both of these crafts, obviously not as much as the ones behind them, but definitely more than considered “normal” for the average person. I have pics of the actual TR-3A Black Manta, but unfortunately I could only find blueprints and patents, and not actual confirmed images of the TR-3B Astra. However I did find some very convincing faked videos and images that are rather cool looking, so I’ll link those if I can find them again. Many people believe that the Black Triangle UFO is the same thing as these crafts, but through my extensive research on websites I probably shouldn’t be on, I’m 99% sure that the TR-3A, TR-3B, and Black Triangle, are all different crafts. Heck, there’s parents for the TR-3B, but I have trouble believing it’s real, considering there’s no real videos or images of it. Those patents might just be for future use, when mankind actually has the required “Nuclear Mercury-Plasma Magnetic Field Generator” technology in order to properly develop the TR-3B. Anyway enough of that, here’s some pics of my TR-3A and TR-3B:

TR-3A “Black Manta” is a highly classified stealth reconnaissance flying wing, made for the purpose of surveying and watching over battlefields, and gathering intel of the enemy.

Here are some actual images of the TR-3A:

This one isn’t an actual photo, just an art piece.

TR-3B “Astra” is a supposed 6D VTOL Air and Spacecraft, with, as far as I know, no known purpose. It would have a Nuclear Mercury Plasma Magnetic Field Generator, in order to completely bend the laws of physics, or atleast use laws of physics that aren’t fully understood yet. It can go in any direction it wants at terrifying speed, in space, Earth’s atmosphere, and even underwater too, as it’s method of propulsion requires no oxygen.

Here’s the reference images, along with a patent image of the TR-3B:

Just know this, this is not an accurate representation of the TR-3B “Astra”. Since there aren’t any confirmed images/videos of it, I had to improvise, and use google to find an “image” of it. It’s actually based off of a plastic snap-apart model you can get off Amazon, and while it’s most likely not an accurate replica of the supposed TR-3B, it’s the best looking reference I could’ve used. To be perfectly honest, if that is what it actually looks like if it’s a real craft, it certainly got the short end of the stick when it comes to looks. Sure, it’s supposedly more technologically advanced than the TR-3A, but in all seriousness, the TR-3A is a really beautiful aircraft, like seriously, it’s genuinely pretty looking. I hope to see one at an airshow someday when it isn’t classified from the general public anymore.

So the question is: which do you want me to upload first? Comment “A” for the Black Manta, and comment “B” for the Astra. If you wish to be tagged along with the posting of each, comment “T” along with your A or B. i hate how much that rhymed

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    Votes so far:
    Black Manta: 4
    Astra: 0

    Pinned 4.5 years ago
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    I love talking about this kind of stuff in the comments but I ask of you to suggest which one I should post first, along with your tag if you want to be tagged.

    Pinned 4.5 years ago
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    Hey i loved the article I’m looking for pictures it seems all of the one you posted were taken down or no longer available. Anyway you could email me the pictures if you still have them? Email me @

    2.5 years ago
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    35.0k WarHawk95

    @AWESOMENESS360 yes.

    4.5 years ago
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    @WarHawk95 both of them are finished, so I assume you want me to post the Manta first?

    4.5 years ago
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    35.0k WarHawk95

    @AWESOMENESS360 make the Black Manta first

    4.5 years ago
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    12.0k Hellosss38


    4.5 years ago
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    4,055 HyperViper

    A t

    4.5 years ago
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    @Brields95 awesome!

    4.5 years ago
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    I met someone who worked on the Aurora. It's basically a development of the XB-70.

    4.5 years ago
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    31.1k Spikerya

    @AWESOMENESS360 lol up to you

    4.5 years ago
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    @Spikerya thanks Spikerya, you’re the first one here to actually vote for which one I should post first and register a tag. Maybe I should make a pinned comment or something lol

    +1 4.5 years ago
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    31.1k Spikerya

    A T

    +1 4.5 years ago
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    9,819 z24zorpx4

    one of those images just looks like a normal plane at night.

    4.5 years ago
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    4.5 years ago
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    @KnightOfRen Deep/Dark Web.

    4.5 years ago
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    @ThePropellerIsAFan lol they don’t trust Wikipedia, yet they redirect you to this weird offbrand website that was probably made by some guy on weed, that has almost no sources for info

    4.5 years ago
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    @WarHawk95 yeah the deep web is legal, it’s just hard to get to sometimes.

    4.5 years ago
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    @KnightOfRen lol no

    4.5 years ago
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    41.9k Ren


    4.5 years ago
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    I believe the website you are referring to is Wikipedia. At least my teachers really make it sound illegal...

    4.5 years ago
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    41.9k Ren

    Can you kinda hint me to a place to find them?

    4.5 years ago
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    35.0k WarHawk95

    @AWESOMENESS360 pretty sure the deep web is still legal, right ?

    4.5 years ago
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    @WarHawk95 probably, that or the deep web.

    4.5 years ago
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    35.0k WarHawk95

    @AWESOMENESS360 does that mean these sites are part of the dark net ?

    4.5 years ago
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