something with PitchAngle < 0 in the activationGroup tab should probably work. If the specific angle needs adjusting just mess with the 0 a bit.
I might warn you an altitude toggle might work better in terms of not damaging your car, in which case clamp01(AltitudeAgl < 5) might do better. Or you could just set heath high and collisions to none.
@Jauntyccmbr Happy to help!
@Jauntyccmbr Np.
@Gluck Oh, gotcha. Ok!
Thankyou guys:)@Gluck @BagelPlane
@BagelPlane I stand corrected, RollAngle works better.
Tho AltitudeAgl measures altitude above ground level, not above sea level, so it will work.
@Gluck Plus you’d want RollAngle>65, not pitch angle.
@Gluck The elevations for racetracks vary, so an altitude flip won’t work. I recommend a piston system like what’s on Leehopad’s Rally Chassis.
something with PitchAngle < 0 in the activationGroup tab should probably work. If the specific angle needs adjusting just mess with the 0 a bit.
I might warn you an altitude toggle might work better in terms of not damaging your car, in which case clamp01(AltitudeAgl < 5) might do better. Or you could just set heath high and collisions to none.
@Dad I don't want the creations to have gyros on them as much as possible I only want them to activate when flipped
Set the activator and set it’s power high. It doesn’t need an input.
Here is your extremely long and complicated funky tree code: