Hey guys,
I was wondering if there is an XML input where you can delay the missile ignition from the time that it has been fired, giving it time to drop. I do not mean the “firingDelay” input by the way. If you could help out that would be great!
ignitionDelay (number in seconds)
@BagelPlane will do, thank you for your help so far, i really needed this,
@LIQUIDconsumer I believe you'd be better off using the rockets rather than cleavers for your JATO. Take a look at BogdanX's Tu-14, it has JATO rockets that you can disassemble to learn how they work.
@BagelPlane gratitude! i will try my best.
when you mean: "build a shell around it" does that mean i will have to account for the the cleaver's folding wings? like do i need to make the shell in a shape of the deployed cleaver? it seems any collision in general causes the cleaver to phase
some guy who won't stop asking questions
@LIQUIDconsumer I think what you'll have to do is look up a custom missile tutorial. You'll essentially be building a shell around the missile, and then attaching that shell to the aircraft. If problems persist, tag me on the post unlisted and I'll take a look.
@BagelPlane hey thanks for the help, it means a lot.
i might have more problems but i don't want to trouble you guys too much,
so as a last request, i was wondering if you could help me with one last problem:
It seems there is a problem with the missiles, their collision is messed up, meaning once the cleavers launch, they phase through anything EXCEPT the nose fuselage for some reason. Is there some way i can stop the missile from launching in general, like something i can connect the cleavers to where they will still go off, but they are stuck in place?
thank you for your help so far, but this is as of right now the biggest problem im facing, if you can help me with this, i would be very thankful,
thank you!
@LIQUIDconsumer I'm not sure what the attribute is off the top of my head, but here's the list of every attribute in the game: simplecheats
@BagelPlane does it also effect power output? if not, what variable can i use on the missile that effects its power?
@LIQUIDconsumer the attribute should be
.@Mustang51 @Grob0s0VBRa @BagelPlane
hey do distinguished fine gentlemen know what variable sets how long a missile lasts? i mean in terms of how long the missile will go for until it cuts off fuel, i'm using it to make a JATO engine that will help my colossal cargo plane, i've turned it into a fuel tanker, but the fuel tanks weigh it down too much. my idea was to use a rough JATO design using cleavers as a short take-off method, but i can't figure out how to make it work. sorry for the long text, please, if anyone can help me, i would very much be grateful!
I'm doing fine.
@FeatherWing hey buddy! I see you changed your name. I’m doing all good. Just super busy with uni at the moment. I’m doing my dissertation and it’s taking up a lot of my time. How’s it been going for you?
Hey, you doing ok?
Lmfao nvm I realised that mr bagel was here wayy before me
I figured it out!
This function is counted in seconds and works on any missile
Fair enough.
@FeatherWing I think I asked this there before and it just got buried in all the other messages hahaha
Yeah, you can also get help there too.
@FeatherWing Yup I’m pretty sure I am still there
Have you joined the SPBC Discord?
@Hira629 I’m glad I kept this up then! I thought if someone else was wondering they could find the answer here
@Jorgebr thanks for the help but I got it!
@rexzion hahaha if only that was a thing. Look up the piper enforcer to see a P-51 that actually had modern weapons
P-51 mustang with aim-9s woooo
first of all, sorry for my google english translator. I didn't quite understand what you want more if you want a missile you can take it here https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/OVX0E8/Air-to-ground-attack-missile