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2,125 PaulJohnLozada  4.4 years ago

So, here's the thing: once I press the launch weapon, I want the bay doors to open immediately, and then close as long as the missile is launched. Can someone figure out the exact code, please? 🥺🥺

I would appreciate it if someone tries, at least. 😁

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    i actually do this
    FireWeapons * (SelectedWeapon = "30mm Fused UHE Cannon" ? 0 : 1) * (SelectedWeapon = "TPD" ? 0 : 1)
    so the bay door opens on all occasions except when the 2 weapon in the code are selected

    2.8 years ago
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    14.3k Griffon1

    You'd have to use tons of logic gates for this.
    so basically, you would want to use the following expressions: ammo(weapon name) should be the specific missile you want to fire. They are ordered by last placed in designer, I think.
    Then you would want to use SelectedWeaponName to make sure its the right weapon type.
    Optionally you can use TargetSelected and TargetDistance (Set TD to the range of the weapon) to make it only popped out when you've selected and/or locked onto a target.
    I hope this helps. I'm not great at writing the strings themselves, but if I was to do it, those are the variables I'd use

    4.4 years ago
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    84.6k WIZARD2017

    rotator speed:100%
    rate(ammo("Weapon name"))<0?1:smooth(0,0.6)

    Oh, I didn't try it yet, it might not working.

    4.4 years ago
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    @BagelPlane Aye, then...

    4.4 years ago
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    24.4k BagelPlane

    Hold on, I need time to think...

    +1 4.4 years ago