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MF 220 Drachen Development

23.4k marcox43  4.5 years ago

it may seem as I'm pretty inactive, but the truth is I've been improving the Drachen as much as I can, while doing other side projects.
The thing is, the upcoming C5 variant, will be the last one to use piston engines.
I might do some C series featuring turboprop configurations, but I want to put Jet engines in the D model. the engines in question, will be the BMW 018's
The remaining of the C series will be dedicated to outmatch DeHavilland Moskitos and Hornets, so it will be mostly an interceptor, while still retaining it's old capability of being an Anti-Ship attacker.
The D model will center on brute power and acceleration, while not as fast as an Me 262, it will be enough to catch the early Meteors F1-F4. this should go until 1950, where it will recieve it's second engine upgrade, I can't decide yet if the ATAR 101 or some British engines, but it will be fast. it will also feature swept wings, somewhere around 20-30°
Probably a late D model or an E model, it will recieve severe swept wings, something like 45-50°. it shloud be able to stay on the tail of a Vautour or an F-86, while carrying full equipment. it should also incorporate AIM9 missiles. while naval variants will be able to incorporate long range anti-ship missiles, something last seen in the C4 variant.
Current variants:
MF 220 C4 This is the new C4 variant, which replaces the old radar antenas with the new FuG 240 Berlín, giving back some of the top speed. also incorporates 4 Ruhrstahl X-4 missiles.

MF 220 C4b Experimental variant, testing the BV 249 homing glide bombs.

MF 220 C4c
Clean fuselage, just trying the top speed without any additional equipment.

MF 220 C4d latest variant, features some weight saving and drag reduction. A fearsome interceptor.