So I've been making this cargo jet thing, but I've been stuck at this section for days now and I still can't finish it. Would some of you mind if you finish it for me?
And if you want I'll give you some rewards in the form of upvotes.
@PrinzEugen99 my worst? Making Neutrally Buoyant Submarine
Whatever. I'm sending you to gulag. Have a nice stay.
The guy that lives inside solitary is very busy with school, so he cannot focus his attention into building planes
I'm hungry for a build from you. Build or go to solitary.
@YoDudeChase alright
Ok, well i'll give it a shot, it'll be rough, and probably to the same effect as your try, but eh, im bored
@YoDudeChase I'm stuck at the parts without panels. I tried continuing through the bottom section but I can't seem to do it
I dont see where exactly your stuck, it seems you've already started on the bottom portion, could you not just continue that portion all the way around?
lets call it "the cargo jet thing"
And damn its panelling, my worst nightma- wait no, second to worst nightmare
@R @V Thanks!
@BagelPlane congrats on 10k
Have fun. Panelling sucks.