...to add semi hollow fuselages to SP.
—> Vote here! <—
SimplePlanes isn’t complete without this part. This will literally quarter the total part count of many builds. It will be the most revolutionary part added to SP since the fuselage block.
Please don’t forget about this devs! We REALLY need this!
I will be even more disappointed if it isn’t in 1.11 than when it wasn’t added to 1.10.
You should be able to adjust how much coverage there is, it’s front and back angle (like the inlets but on both sides), and a side angle
Here's my updoot.
Much needed call, mate. Here's an updote
actually needed, it can promote the inclusion of custom cockpits and bomb bays
We should also have variable hollow fuselages, so we can make quarter fuselages or quarter hollow fuselages, this would help out with bomb bays a tonne! (Pun intended)
It could also help out with Cockpits.
That feature is my top rated comment @RailfanEthan
it'd be really cool if we could change how much is covered, like a 0-100% scale or 0-360*
You have earned 3 updoots with this pledge good sir
@PlanePlaneThe66373637 oh cocke i for once wantd hear good news tday on simplehalalpilot but appearantlaey not.
What about being able to halve a circular fuselage to make it look like a semi-circle? It would save a lot of paneling pain
The post was made in march of 2019 the good lod days @SouthEngine