I feel like there so many X-02 Wyvern or plane that have similar appearance on this site lately. (around Aug - Sep)
So is it always a stream of Wyvern on this site or it really suddently became popular?
Wyvern surge?
106k GuyFolk
4.3 years ago
Agreed. I just can't help it and build two of them lol.
Thanks, I'll do my best.
@GuyFolk lmao, go ahead, id love to see it
yeah i keep seeing tons tho
ngl the X-02's design is pretty cool tho (imo)
After I saw Darkmable's morgan I think several will come after.
F*ck it I'll just build one lol.
@GuyFolk hopefully
I think Morgan train will coming soon.
Idk my guts told me that.
Idk, i just know that the Ace Combat is flowing strong. The more X-02s, Morgans, Falkens and whatnot pops up, the merrier