This is on SR1 Person obviously doenst know apple rating system (if it was 9+ as this parent probably wants it to be SR1 would have to have mild violence or something)
It isn’t event the old simplerockets that has the bad ui, it is the new one that does
Bruh,What the?........well that a parent for you'll!
bruh who the heck even puts their full name for their reviews lmao
Wait what they thought SR was designed for 4 year olds?
"cheap, thoughtless, confusing, piss poor interface" Aight, sounds like a typical karen kamander
i would laugh to see the lego pieces broken on amazon
@BagelPlane bro u right I do have the intelligence of a squirrel
@PlanePlaneThe66373637 Some people have the intelligence level of a squirrel. Don’t mind them.
@rexrexThezion SimpleRockets, the original.
what SR1
Devs what are your thoughts on this?
It isn’t event the old simplerockets that has the bad ui, it is the new one that does
Bruh,What the?........well that a parent for you'll!
bruh who the heck even puts their full name for their reviews lmao
Wait what they thought SR was designed for 4 year olds?
"cheap, thoughtless, confusing, piss poor interface"
Aight, sounds like a typical karen kamander
i would laugh to see the lego pieces broken on amazon
@BagelPlane bro u right I do have the intelligence of a squirrel
@PlanePlaneThe66373637 Some people have the intelligence level of a squirrel. Don’t mind them.
@rexrexThezion SimpleRockets, the original.
what SR1
Devs what are your thoughts on this?