No explosions today sadly...
Formation of us sitting on the runway. If you recall, SparkySparkyTheFiretruck has a forum post of this same event.
WIP of the B-58. The 1:1 person is quite small next to the 1:1 bomber.
Brendorkus' Ausmerser in MP. It was a popular landing perch.
Being photobombed by rexrexThezion...
...that's better.
Somehow we managed to get DeltaS4's car into my amphibious tractor. It caused a lot of bouncing around as MP physics are weird.
Hiding out in the Snowstone Bunker from trolls. Fishminer also had a forum post on this event.
Top of a Maywar Mountian with DiamondBoron and Fishminer.
About to start a race.
Some slick cars.
At this time, Fishminer said they would give us a cookie if we could jump off Rattlesnake and take no fall damage. The cookie would take a few thousand years to get to us.
And that's what happens when tsampoy crashes one of SledDriver's aircraft.
Now I need to spend another few months getting more screenshots...
Ahh, the good old days, when servers were actuly fun. Now the servers don't even exist
man I keep missing out on cool multiplayer meetups like this. -.- ah well
I love the one where rex photobombed you lol
@KnightOfRen Some are from a few months ago
Oh ok. I just saw a similar format and the fact that they came right after mine. How old are these?
@KnightOfRen Uh, I was just looking though my multiplayer images and thought I’d post the funny ones.
I feel like you were inspired by my "Some cool SP Screenshots" series.
rip that streetride height budget mustang doing an offroad race.
Ah! I forgot about that flight!
Dang I gotta join with my Kiev-class and test my guns
@FishMiner Yeah they are lol
Wow these are old
XD cool