Yes I am making the largest tank in real life ever actualy built, now if you where including planed tanks then that would be the P.1000 Ratte but it was never built. Hope you enjoy my panzer VII Maus. Hope you enjoy ;)
Yes I am making the largest tank in real life ever actualy built, now if you where including planed tanks then that would be the P.1000 Ratte but it was never built. Hope you enjoy my panzer VII Maus. Hope you enjoy ;)
Huh, that’sunetretsing @Supermarinespitfire13 @Supermarinespitfire13
Anyone going to see my tank?
It’s done @banbantheman
@WarHawk95 oui, je l'ai vu.
@banbantheman regarde la réponse de @Supermarinespitfire13 si tu l'as pas vu, il t'a pas ping
@WarHawk95 quoi?
@banbantheman |
Thank you, I will tell you when it comes.
i'll even give you a spotlight m'lady
'ery noice tage me hammond