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Simple feature request: in-game descriptions

1,137 45678  4.1 years ago

The ability to view and edit a description for a saved plane. Useful for more complicated builds that have complex operating procedures, you can incorporate instructions directly into the save. Also useful for reminding yourself how an older build works and it’s Ag’s.

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    I remember the plane but not the name when I take it out of inventory I remember and if I don’t I fly immediately and usually end up blowing my self up

    3.5 years ago
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    I usually learn from trial and error, can't get more russian than that

    4.1 years ago
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    18.8k NexusGaming

    people will be like:
    loses the paper
    oh crap what do i do now
    confused sounds

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    24.1k BagelPlane

    Or you could write it the controls down on a sheet of paper?

    +1 4.1 years ago