Handles well, although trim doesn't work. Yes i replaced the soviet flag with the post-soviet 1991-1993 flag in case anyone gets offended by communism.
Handles well, although trim doesn't work. Yes i replaced the soviet flag with the post-soviet 1991-1993 flag in case anyone gets offended by communism.
Well we should remember communism so we dont forgot it.
"those who forget are doomed to repeat"
communism bad
soviet plane good
hey thanks! I didn't get trim, but I attempted the best control for the user possible
@BagelPlane same
I like Soviet technology, but not communism.
@KnightOfRen yeah migs are awesome
t'noight on bo'om ge'
thicc and juicy soviet plane with exhoost f u m e s
communism bad
But i still do Soviet planes because they're cool
'ery noice.