I have pretty good wifi and the site usually loads really quickly for me, usually under a second. But today it's been taking around 10-30 seconds every time I load a page.
Is anyone else having issues where the site is being awfully slow? Or is it an issue on my end?
Is the site loading incredibly slowly for anyone else?
235k jamesPLANESii
4.2 years ago
me too
Yeah I had that for like 30 hours and it was taking me around 2 minutes a page to load. Thought it was my device acting up
me it took a solid 30 minutes to load
@jamesPLANESii Would You Like To Join My Futuristic General Aviation Challenge? Ill Be Very Happy If You Join It...
Yeah there was a really long forum which was making the server struggle, it's been deleted now
Someone made a forum with a spammy long title and it crashed the site lmao
It was doing that for me too
Yesterday ish, it was
It was loading really slow yesterday when I went on, which was probably around 10-12 hours ago
oh james, nice wife, make sure to hide her from John Terry
Wait your guys are loading
let me know if u get the meme and my device takes 30 mins to load up SIMPleplanes.com
It sucked last night. Somebody made a forum post with a ridiculously long title and basicly crashed it... and apperantly you have a wife? Where’d you get that?
yeah it was terrible
It was last night but now it's ok
Not now
Yes! It was so annoying! Its fine now
Seriously though. It has been loading slowly.
Congratulations James!
Wow, when did you get a wife?
you have a good wife
yes your wife is good yes can confirm
does your wife produce internet or something?