- wink * I still suck at art but this is probably my best drawing ever
Also a part of my lore reveal at 1.5 k
If your wondering if she has a name ,yes she does .Her name is zoa
Edit:Thanks to Thomas for correcting the eyes XD. That makes me feel that he's again a good drawer
Apparently I said this
Gohan ni suru? Ofuro ni suru? Soredemo Wa ta shi ?
@Greggory005 Ay it works, looks pretty cool :D
Yeah I even drew my new profile pic
@WiiWiiTheMini i suck but thanks!
@Greggory005 nice drawing mate, pretty good stuff
@ThomasRoderick yeah kinda
@Greggory005 Ok...
@Greggory005 So basically some sort of skype or zoom?
@ThomasRoderick lol I misspelled it on purpose this time
@ThomasRoderick discord is like what's app, ever heard of whatsapp?
Basically you can make groups or private chat with people. The reason its so popular is because of the quality ui and stuff its has, Hell even spefy has a discord tag
@Greggory005 "it work is"? Sorry for being a grammar fanatic, again.
yay it work is
@ThomasRoderick It keeps deleting it idk why lol so many problems in my life
Have you forgotten a certain parenthesis?
The picture link seems to be broken. Pretty sure whatever that discord link works better than the postimage one. Also, in case anyone's wondering, I don't even know what discord is.
Pretty sure the site can't really directly use that

link, and have to rely on the one that resizes it. But IIRC that discord link worked without hassle.Works just fine
@ThomasRoderick I'm using straight up discord links
@ThomasRoderick yeah
K thanks @ThomasRoderick
@Skylerthedrawer As in "story" or "plotline". So basically he meant he's gonna give us a glimpse into his own fictional universe when he reaches 1,500 points.
Lore ? @ThomasRoderick
@Greggory005 Just realized its because I used the wrong ####ing link that it got resized. The original-sized version of the picture can be found on this link. Not sure which version is better, though.
Also, so what's the name of the picture site you're using?
@Skylerthedrawer I'm pretty sure it's lore reveal... In case anyone's wondering, Greg has basically written an entire novel featuring his various builds and the like.
@Greggory005 Also, a new revision to that picture Apparently for some reason I downloaded a resized image. Now fixed.
Also, the point is that I need someone to set up a basis for me to improve upon. The overall lines are great, the coloring is good, and it's through those that I even know which parts/areas required correction in the first place! So basically I might be able to fix someone else's drawing but I cannot set up a basis on my own - my hand-eye coordination is borderline nonexistent and so is my eye sight, so the only thing I can do is to try out random lines and see which one sticks!
What dose love reveal mean