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What do you guys think of mechs?

23.1k KudaOni  4.2 years ago

So i've been snooping around the internet and I've noticed that mechs are really useless in an actual battlefield. But nonetheless...
I want to ask everyone their opinion on mechs as:

A.) A science fiction entertainment.

B.) In realistic standard.

C.) Mechs in SP.

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    8,011 Aydenapp

    B:Using B system, mechs can keep flying smoothly though their arms or legs are destroyed. What ’s more, mechs can equid many weapons like laser cannon and flying shield. You can control the mechs only by using pitch and roll(one finger) so you can pay more attention to your enemy.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    Wonderfully cool things.
    If it's something like a power suit I can think of an advantage, but there would be no need to dare to make it larger.
    It is time-consuming and very difficult to make something that can be used in combat.
    I prefer to make them, but I wouldn't recommend.

    +2 4.2 years ago
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    3,579 RPC3503

    A science Fiction!!! (A)

    4.2 years ago
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    A. The coolest and highest-level thing there is
    B. Unfortunately trash in combat, but can be useful for utility and exploration. Can do long range if you can't just nuke
    C. H e c c yeah

    +1 4.2 years ago