That is right
The minimum part cound has gone from 4 orr kinda 3, to definitely 3. No bugs or anything.
Basically it takes the literal flight principals of a paraglider.
I'm too tired to explain exactly how it flies, so I'm just gonna leave you people up to it.
Here's a pic
And here's a link
I don't know if this has been done before, but I don't remember ever seeing anything like this, so idk
It's possible to make an aeroPLANE out of just 3 parts! No Gyro! No bugs!
235k jamesPLANESii
4.1 years ago
@ArkRoyalTheDDhunter I think I know, but it'll take a lot of tuning and it will be very difficult
@ArkRoyalTheDDhunter do tell
@UltraLight Exactly
@Wallaby we can use FT on control surfaces. I guess you could make 4 control surfaces that can control roll and pitch, then split direction for wingtip airbrake things
fishminers paraplane
@Wallaby Oh yeah!
@MrTyTheGreat Not a plane
@jamesPLANESii if SP allowed FT on default control surfaces it would be completely feasible using the B-2s yaw control technique
Theres a way to make a 0 part plane
-no cockpit, no problem
@Wallaby No because the wings here are angled like this for a very good reason
@UltraLight Its possible with 2 parts (if SPs physics want to work correctly)
@Wallaby no, you still need yaw stability
This means its possible with 2 parts as well O_O
Flying wing
@CyanWasNotTheImpostor yes that is how edgy it is
I did it in 2 according to the stats
@CyanWasNotTheImpostor i've done it with 0 parts
simply remove the cockpit and done
@Kennneth sExIsT!!11! fEmAlE aN aIrPlAnE tOo
Is it a boy?
u want to maul an airplane?
Imma go try 2 parts
Yeah I know - it was just a joke. But technically if you take what he's saying at face value he's going to 'male' a plane, not make a plane male. @HappyFeetWhyshouldi
I think its a typo. Also it would be he’s making a male plane not mailing it lol. @Rodrigo110
@Kennneth I imagine the shipping costs must be pretty high for that