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Why 2020 wasn't so bad, (my opinion, and user responses)

64.2k PapaKernels  4.2 years ago

The only reason this year didn't totally suck, is this game we all know and love, simpleplanes. Now this game has taught alot of us things we probably would never have know, like aerodynamics, properties of flight, drag, aircraft design, engineering, and how to effectively build and test aircraft. This game has provided alot of us with the necessary release from all that's going on in the world around us. I know I for one have learned alot and have improved alot In my skill as an almost good builder on the site, and have loved my experiences and humility that I have encountered on the site. Some people have given me the hard truth about different things but I am grateful In the end because of what it helped teach me, and helped in future projects. And finally I will leave you with a sneak peek at the first topic in my new forum series, let's talk, with a Q-and-A with my user responses volunteers on their thoughts on this.

First wiimini
Is this something you agree with or do you think the year sucked regardless of the points I have made?
Wiimini's response:
"i mean all the good stuff about to happen in 2020, didn't happen, and then the deaths of many, combined with the wildfires in my home state of California and in Australia, combined with the murder hornet mess, the BLM, the everything. It's one of the worst years in the modern age if you ask me, the only ones beating that are the world wars and some others."
Rexzion up next
would you agree that this game, and the community as a whole, has kept you a bit more sain, even in the likes of this whole mess?
"Yes, the drama is very fun to read and make" (a bit shorter than what I was expecting, but its straight to the point so I like it)
KangaKangaTheRoo's turn!
has this game done what I have said, teached you many things, kept you from worrying about all that's going on right now, or at least helped distract you?

"Hundred percent mate, the Simpleplanes community is like a best mate, it's always there, and I can always feel welcome to walk in and have a chat with people about the things I love. This year especially its really helped, bushfires at the start of the year for Australia were tough, and SP helped me a lot. Not that I was in danger, but it was tough to see the rest of our country and even places i've been to go through such a tough time. But lockdown was real bad, and that's where SP really helped out. Online school was really bad, long hours sitting on your freckle and doing bugger all was tough (especially for my freckle). But now that things are getting back to normal, I've come to realise how important communication with others is. All thanks to SP. On top of that, I've learnt a bunch this year about aircraft which is really good. I'm now known to my friends as the "to be pilot"

thanks for reading. Let's hope 2021 wont get any worse.

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    7,513 SuperRoto

    Looking at it that way, it’s not as bad. I quickly climbed the ranks, made cool things. Yeah, it wasn’t that bad, it was just bad.

    Pinned 4.2 years ago
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    @PapaKernels yeah kinda sucked seeing it go in that way, hopefully though once the accident report comes out, people can learn from what happened that night and hopefully won’t repeat it

    4.2 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    @MrSilverWolf wow that sucks. Sorry it went down. I personally never been in an aircraft never the less flown one, but it seems like you had alot of dedication in that aircraft. Maybe you can make a replica of it in sp so you always can fly it, just not irl.

    4.2 years ago
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    @PapaKernels the previous night the club plane I flew, the blue one that used to be in my profile picture ended up crashing, I did everything in that plane:
    Intro flight when I was 12
    My first solo
    Got my private pilot’s license in it
    And got the commercial rating in it
    So yeah that sucked
    (For clarification I was not involved in the accident)

    4.2 years ago
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    2,709 Random04

    Dude fr this game really taught me a lotta planes aerodynamics and geometries, like when i see a plane now i know what actually going on, like this game is actually really educational and very fun

    4.2 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    @MrSilverWolf what happened sep 13? ( I don't remember that far back)

    4.2 years ago
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    I would have agreed fully with that 2020 didn’t fully suck till about September 13th, then after that date, kinda left a bad mark on the rest of the year

    4.2 years ago
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    23.1k KudaOni

    Well... 2020 was the year I started posting more here and joined the community. So I guess it helped with the whole virus thing. Some terrible stuff happened, we lost a lot of people, but.. we lose a lot more people everyday even before the virus. It kinda sucks that people just care more just cuz they're stuck at home with nothing to distract them from the reality that people die everyday. Hunger, poverty, illnesses. These all existed before and some people just turn a blind eye cuz they aren't the people affected.. so yeah. 2020 isnt that bad. The world is just cruel and beautiful.

    4.2 years ago
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    @spefyjerbf thanks! :)

    4.2 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    @PapaKernels Thanks for the response! Good take too. Ultimately the result should be a more robust (rehabilitative) and fair justice system IMO, which is more or less what you are describing. As for the “defund the police” slogan, it was pretty bad for optics, but really just meant that some (not all) funds should be reallocated to other programs that have been shown to reduce crime without putting desperate people behind bars. Anyway that’s all I’ll say, since whatever disagreements we may have are most likely within nuanced details :)

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    @WiiMini Ah, thanks for clarifying! Makes sense then. I couldn’t have said it better myself :)

    4.2 years ago
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    33.0k SyntheticL

    2020 wasnt so bad but i lost my possibe gf.. :)

    4.2 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    @WiiMini welp I got political.

    4.2 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    @Sheffie cool I've lived in the same state my whole life.

    4.2 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    @spefyjerbf well I can agree with that, defunding them is where I draw the line, I know that police do seem racist, but honestly they probably just need some training, human training, and some duties that are given to police shouldn't really be for them, I think if theres a specific government program that responded to mental health calls some stuff would be atleast a bit better for the police. That is as political as I will go ever on this site, enjoy it.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    @spefyjerbf yeah, I wasn't saying BLM was bad. That's fine, I personally support it, what I meant was the fact that police injustice was bad. I apologize for not further elaborating.

    I'll further elaborate here, with a more elaborated piece:

    What I mean further by BLM is that the fact that in this day and age, police injustice shouldn't be a backwards issue in this day and age. I support BLM, it's that what they are fighting against is so backwards it perplexes me as to why it deserves a place. I believe that 2020's been a horrid year, and the fact that we need mayors and others in power along with the protestors to protest is a depressing thing.

    If you believe that this isn't enough, or doesn't display my beliefs, just tell me, and i'll adjust the response.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    Responding to Wiiimini's response, BLM wasn't really a bad part of 2020...
    Police reform has been long overdue in the US by now -- 99% of the movement's proposed reforms are common sense, and have been implemented in every other comparable country.
    My comment may be out of place here, but this is an issue that I am passionate about. This issue is also quite prone to misinformation.
    As for my 2020, this year hasn't been so bad. Socially it was meh, but my career prospects skyrocketed. Might take a new job relating to flight systems and aerospace vehicle dynamics (fingers crossed).

    +2 4.2 years ago
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    2,188 1gecko

    2020 was crap for me in simpleplanes

    4.2 years ago
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    12.0k Skyler101

    Well i mean 2020 is where i kinda took off from bronze to be honest so ya it was ok i guess. 100 to 3000

    4.2 years ago
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    1,218 F1boss2018

    Honestly, ngl i kinda enjoyed this year. It was something different, but will be memeorable, and i had fun.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    24.4k BagelPlane

    Well for starters it have me time to get involved in the SP community and learn some stuff.

    4.2 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    So can you ask me the questions so I can answer them

    4.2 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    Yep @PapaKernels

    4.2 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    @TriStar you just had to respond to the text that I taged everyone to, wait you are in right?

    4.2 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    Can I be next int he user responses? Sorry if you tagged me on discord and I never responded I didnt check the user responses server

    4.2 years ago
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