tomorrow is saturday so dont worry
@Maduroz this forum was made 2.2 years ago dawg💀💀
@Brendorkus such a beautiful poem for such an ugly behavior lmaooooo
As I can see You are a man of glee For just like me We have no responsibility @WarHawk95
Fun fact: The worksheet only has a few pages
@Brendorkus jokes on you ! I do it at 11AM on Monday
@Brendorkus lol
Don’t do it now! You have to wait until 2AM on Sunday!
@Maduroz this forum was made 2.2 years ago dawg💀💀
@Brendorkus such a beautiful poem for such an ugly behavior lmaooooo
As I can see
You are a man of glee
For just like me
We have no responsibility @WarHawk95
Fun fact: The worksheet only has a few pages
@Brendorkus jokes on you ! I do it at 11AM on Monday
@Brendorkus lol
Don’t do it now! You have to wait until 2AM on Sunday!