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The Build That I Might Never Post...

37.2k Ruvie  4.0 years ago
Recently, I started on a project about making a different kind of starfighter, based-off the infamous Tie Fighter Line. This build is the result of that, I originally thought of posting it in hopes that people might like it, but soon I changed my mind, and I'll be honest, I just don't want to spark any sort of competition amongst fellow builders when it comes to the same topic. With that in mind, I just decided to play with it, as how it should be, a game for fun, and I build for the sole purpose of fun, just like many others.
The Build
Well, It did take a lot of time just to conceptualize what exactly am I going to make, a few prototypes, a lot of crashes, failures, and so on, you get it. There were actually a total of five crafts that played a role in the development, all of which I will show afterwards. My goal in building this is actually to be maneuverable, well-armed, and quite fast when it comes to atmospheric flight. Well, I did achieve it, and actually liked it. Moving on.
"TIE" - I was just experimenting with drag, mass and overall shape, just to get a grasp of how a Tie looks like.


"TIE/ACV_1" - This time, I added VTOL engines and still experimenting with drag, and then I added S-foil(Folding) panels.


"TX-TIE" - I removed the S-foils and this one's for maneuverability tests.


"TIE ACV_2" - I added the S-foils again, this time it folds outwards, similar to that of an Outland TIE, minus the landing gear.


"TIE/HACV-P" - I built an new one from scratch, tried to incorporate all learnings i got from the previous prototypes mentioned above, and tried out some new weapon appearances.


"TIE/HACV P-2" - An almost finished product, with S-foils, VTOL, high max G-load capacity, higher speed than previous models, and cooler (of course). This one's in landing position, so the panels are folded. It is also unarmed, only for testing purposes.


"TIE/HACV Scrambler" - The finished product, armed with a lot for an average Starfighter. And of course it now has no landing gear in the final design.

4 x 18.75mm Light Blasters
2 x 35mm Heavy Blasters
2 x 140mm Proton Torpedoes


So yeah, there you go, a build that I might never post. But some of you might still see me playing with this in Multiplayer. just for fun.


Thanks for stopping by.

RRC, 1/10/20