So I have seen a lot of fellow mobile players that can’t open the Dev console, I can agree it is quite dumb! I seen a forum jamesPLANESii made where he talked about how inconvenient it is, and honestly, I agree.
So let’s get into it!
You can enable it in the settings in the main menu.
In the main menu click “Settings”
And once you're in there
Click the word “Settings” 5 times at the top.
It should say ”DEV CONSOLE ENABLED”, And if you get tired of it and want to turn it off, you can just follow the same steps except this time it will say ”DEV CONSOLE DISABLED”
What you can use it for
* //MainCamera>camera.set_fieldOfView 15- change fov. This is *VERY helpful when taking screenshots for custom thumbnails. (Side note: the 15 is just the one I like to use the most, use whatever you want, though anything above 30 is a bit ridiculous.)
//CameraPlane>camera.set_fieldOfView 15
Use this with the other FOV command if your shot looks a bit weird
(The above commands were found by @Mostly)
//maincamera>camera.set_depth 10- use this with that FOV command for epic screenshots that you won’t need to crop.
(I believe I am the first player to discover this, please correct me if I’m wrong.)
//CameraTarget>>Camera.backgroundColor 0.5,0.5,0.5,1 This changes the color of your background for people that don’t like the usual grey.
(This command is a BogdanX Special! He uses this in his tutorials and stuff, where you can see that blue-greenish colored background)
This command is self explanatory.
This can be seen in the top left
(No idea who this was found by.)
DebugExpression RollRate
Use this command to gauge your roll rate and fine tune it to be close to the real roll rate of a replica you are building.
(Thank you BogdanX for giving me this command)
If you’re on PC and don’t know how to open the dev console it is just the backtick key, it is located right below the esc key.
That’s all for now, please leave an upvote if you found this helpful. And if you have any other useful dev console commands please put them in the comments!
In fact, DebugExpression can be used for a wide variety of things. You can use it for any value, such as PitchRate, YawRate, AltitudeAgl, etc. You can also use DebugExpression with any funky trees expression.
how do i use the commands
how do i use the commands
@TheMouse okay
This is the first thing I read.
@MobileBuilder21 restart the game.
@Stinky How do you set everything back to default?
thanks for the help, this really helps me in making a better thumbnail
@Stinky ok
@Avionesparaselular Hola, fue eliminado en la última actualización.
@Stinky hola a mi. No me funciona el comando //maincamera>camera.set_ Depth 10 como lo puedo hacer andar?
@BaconX69 i did
@PlenBoiPro your welcome
(if you mean thanks)
@BaconX69 thajs
@PlenBoiPro tap 3 fingers on your screen he said
Commands arent working on my tablet for some reason
Literally a cheat code
how do we open the dev console on mobile
@Sense2 bruh
how do i open the dev console
@Default4 ok
I think we can put this on the useful links page…
How do you teleport?
Oh NVM I just didn't do it correct