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Hi, I’m new here... kinda

118 Kuiper0  4.0 years ago

Hi! I’m Kuiper

I come from the land of SimpleRockets 2. There, I mostly make rockets (Duh) . I make crafts from time to time to entertain people in the community, where I occasionally have to remind them that the Devs are humans too. It is a great pet peeve of mine that some people feel so entitled as to try and rush others into making an update, or releasing an unfinished products.


I have been playing SP for a while now, and mostly play on dogfight and Sandbox to test out designs of my own contraptions to later rebuild in SR2. Namely my X-Plane series of crafts. As you may notice, this account is 8 months old. Yet to this point have never made a craft on here. Might make some in the future, as I think from SP to SR2, planes are more complex then rockets. This is my SR2 profile. To get to the point of this forum, while labeled as off-topic is rather a question.

How does one make good planes?

Thanks for reading. Good day!

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    16.3k SilverStar


    4.0 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    Welcome to SimplePlanes! Here’s some tips + tricks to becoming a great builder:

    • Don’t use blocks. Using blocks can really alter your build negatively, and so I suggest using fuselages instead. They’re easy to use and manipulate, easily making the fuselage one of the best parts in the game..

    • Panel when needed. You’ll need to panel using aforementioned fuselages to make hollow interiors, as a hollow semi-cylinder (whatever you want to call it) isn’t really available to use.

    • Quality over quantity. Perfect your builds until they look satisfactory (by that I mean to your standards, of course) then ask other builders for tips + tricks.

    • Research aircraft specifications. This applies to replicas, but fictional builds sometimes are inspired by real things, and thus they need similar specs to real-life things.

    • Use lettering. They make your builds look less clean and thus more detailed, resulting in a less “generic” look. For making letters, use a consistent font. Not doing this will result in sloppy-looking text, downgrading overall build quality.
    +3 4.0 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    I’ll get my builders tips brb

    4.0 years ago
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    33.5k tsampoy

    Here are some tips:
    -Use fuselage blocks, you won't regret it
    -Have a quality over quantity mentality,
    And uhh yeah, do what the people below me tell you to do, and enjoy!

    4.0 years ago
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    I am still at the point of "I don't know what I'm doing" but it boils down to the ideation of "time will tell."
    As I have learned, and as others have said, as you work, you will get better. Just keep doing what you are and you will learn and improve. Take your time, though. No need to rush

    4.0 years ago
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    61.7k PapaKernels

    Please enjoy your time on the website and dont do anything stupid.

    4.0 years ago
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    61.7k PapaKernels

    Make good plne.
    But honestly you need to nail down alot of stuff that will make people rage, so never make a Rafael or your going to have the french on your case, I probably spelled it wrong so I'm going to get it from the French. If you make replicas, try using the blueprint feature, it will greatly improve the accuracy of the model. If you need help at all, the community is almost always ready to help, I know I've needed it, and many of my friends have helped when I have needed it, its always good to ask.
    I could never get the hang of sr2, that's why I play sp mostly.

    4.0 years ago
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    27.8k Strucker

    I'd list off important aspects of building something, but the main one is have fun.

    4.0 years ago
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    17.0k Kangy

    G'day mate
    Read your bio,
    no need to worry about rude people here (mostly) and people don't condescend to the devs either!

    4.0 years ago
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    There's lots of different unique things that make different planes good. You should take apart planes from other users and see how they're made, then try to learn the techniques. Time is key.
    Also, hello there!

    4.0 years ago
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    25.1k Fellex

    -Airplane Details
    -Airplane Realistic Physics and Logicable Design
    -Simplified Part number ( use less Part for better detail)
    -Custom Landing gear
    -Funky trees
    -Custom Thumbnail
    -and Much better arrangement of Description

    4.0 years ago
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    Welcome to simpleplanes

    4.0 years ago
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    9,039 Rajko

    Hallo fellow simplerocketer welcome to the land of Simpleplanes

    +2 4.0 years ago