I am a very bad builder and I just wish someone will either modify my aircraft or give them a purpose as a target drone. Should I step up and get stronk at building things?
Is there a way to be popular even with decent/low quality aircrafts?
2,033 Ruskiwaffle1991
4.1 years ago
Ah, thats fine. Then you should probably use Jamesie's idea
@KnightOfRen when i discovered porno in discord it got me in serious trouble with my parents so there is a low chance of me returning there.
Step 1: Be Inuyasha
Step 2: Profit
Hang out in the forums a lot
Get discord! You can advertise your planes in a variety of servers, plus make friends who may support you
@TriStar ja. But I still will make planes for y'all
Build for fun, not for upvotes.