2,033 Ruskiwaffle1991

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joined 4.2 years ago

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Hello, I'm Ruski. I just got this game in January (2021) and I enjoy it a lot! I might someday get a new PC and so I can make cool and thicc creations or play war thunder. (no) I also play ysflight which is a good free flight sim that is potato friendly. See ya and don't you dare to upvote my creations. (Feb. 15, 2021)

Le backstory (my life)
I am a 13 year old who likes aviation. I am also interested in marine biology. I don't know how I got into aviation but a possible culprit is a bad toy set and a bad arcade-y flight sim. It might have been in late 2018 that I got hooked into WWII and history itself. I am also a massive Sabaton fan and one of the first songs I've heard from them was Red Baron. I owned a cracked version of SP in 2019 when I still couldn't ask my parents to pay for it. I bought it legally in January this year and one of the next things I'm gunning for is SR2. Yeah, I'm getting rid of that cringe farewell message in German, Russian, and spanish.