me got 69 followers!
this is kinda overwhelming, i honestly didn't think i would get this far in my sp career and i am so happy to all my friends and all those who found my cool enough to follow me!
thanks to TirpitzWantsPlanes he was the 69th
after homework today i will be releasing my newest build that i will link the teaser right here for ya! , guess you can call it a 69 follower special..
@Tookan my half awake brain cant understand that.
it was funi numbaar, why moar peepl's mak not korekt numbaar?
Doesn’t make sense
@Nintendo because that's how it works
Wait so I have more?! How?
This is a joke btw
I can make you have 68 followers! And then get it to 70 later ;p
Your welcome! @PapaKernels
@Strikefighter04 thanks for the follow!
Awesome man!
thanks @TriStar101 now its ruined :(
but thanks for the follow anyway.