*This forum post will no longer be updated, go to the new post for newer codes
Target Data
Distance from target without vertical component [m]
Target Altitude [m]
Target Longitude [m]
Target Latitude [m]
Target Speed [m/s]
sqrt(pow(rate(TargetDistance * cos(TargetElevation) * sin(TargetHeading) + Longitude), 2) + pow(rate(TargetDistance * cos(TargetElevation) * cos(TargetHeading) + Latitude), 2))
Target Velocity Heading [Degrees]
More Flight Data
Forward/Reverse Differentiation [Boolean]
This nifty bit of code gives a Boolean output depending on whether the craft is moving forward or not, meaning you get a +1 output when going forward and a -1 when going backwards.
Glide angle [Degrees]
Generates an angle defining the combination of the vertical and horizontal velocity of your aircraft.
Turn Radius [m]
Absolute ammo depletion [Boolean]
Thanks to @DarDragon for helping tremendously with this code!
This code gives a permanent output of 1 when a certain ammo type is depleted. Ignores inaccurate count adjustments caused by deactivation of a given weapon's AG group
Fuel consumption
Liters per kilometer
(smooth(rate(-Fuel*FUEL CAPACITY IN LITRES),0.05))/(GS/1000)
Kilometers per liter
1/((smooth(rate(-Fuel*FUEL CAPACITY IN LITERS),0.05))/(GS/1000))
Distance until fuel depletion. (Kilometers)
(1/((smooth(rate(-Fuel*FUEL CAP),0.05))/(GS/1000)))*(Fuel*FUEL CAP)
Gallons per mile
(smooth(rate(-Fuel*FUEL CAPACITY IN GALLONS),0.05))/(GS/1609.34)
Miles per gallon.
1/((smooth(rate(-Fuel*FUEL CAPACITY IN GALLONS),0.05))/(GS/1609.34))
Distance until fuel depletion. (Miles)
(1/((smooth(rate(-Fuel*FUEL CAP),0.05))/(GS/1609.34)))*(Fuel*FUEL CAP)
Seconds until fuel exhaustion
- Use liters
Fuel Consumption Rate
Per second
Per minute
Per hour
- It doesn't matter what unit you put in
NOTE. This list will be updated from time to time for new/optimized codes so make sure to check back every now and then. Also lmk if you want to be tagged whenever the list updates.
Thank you for the Target Heading thingy, it was really useful
turn radius in ft(pow(TAS,2)/(VerticalG*9.806))
m(provided its in a 90* bank)
@bjac0 am would like apu code for two engine plane
Any idea on how to get a missile to drop but not fire until at a certain Altitude?
Thanks for the post, really needed target data for something I wanted to build!
Una pregunta puedes hacer un código ft con el que pueda controlar naves Que allá spawneado en el juego con acceso a la cámara esque lo ví en un vídeo y también me podrías ayudar dónde se pone XD
Thank you!
So where can I put that code ??????
@Chancey21 i'll have to do that tomorrow shouldn't be too tricky
@edensk good call
GPH? (Gallons per hour for planes?)
might wanna put the first one in bold instead of `` to fix the problem with comparison characters
He uses Gallons Per Mile like we fr gonna be building a Dodge Demon anytime soon
@DarDragon @Ash007