1,415 Redrocktumbler
Player Biography
I AM ALIVE! Just suffering from issues of wanting to play this game… not sure if I’ll ever post anything again. It was a fun ride.
Hello there, this is my profile. I aim to make simple(ish) crafts/Air Defense Buildings. I like cats, vehicles and and Video games. I have an Xbox360 and a ps4. EDIT: I also have spvr .
I like planes such as the F-14, and giant airliners, like a passenger version of the an-225 myria.
My brand is the kelley corporation(cars, some planes), and KWPM for (older) military units. Nowadays I run under Kelley and RDIT.
I know @32 irl and I introduced him into this game.
Achieved silver 9/17/22, almost one and a half years into playing this beautiful game, with 10 months on my account.
More about me—
I see various forms of aircraft fly over my house— usually helos and F-16s but occasionally there will be a chinook or a B-2, sometimes I will see 747s. I live close to airbases and airports.
The other day I did see some f-15s.
Southwest is my favorite airline.
The first game I beat was Halo:Reach, I think.
FGOATS: five(!) way tie: Between Borderlands II, NFS: most wanted 2012, Ace Combat 6, Forza Motorsport 4, and last but Definitely not least: Portal 2.
Honorable mentions COD black ops I, and R6V2, SimplePlanes, Skate, AC: black flag.
Don’t judge me, I grew up on the X360.
Anyone remember world at war? Call ‘o’ duty? Yeah so I beat that game in one sitting, with Co-op and a friend.
I do my best to skateboard. Not good at it but it’s fun!
Wish me happy birthday during:
-While Christmas lights are still up
-Mid monthish.
Favorite plane: F-14, but F-15 is catching up
Favorite car: 2011 Camaro/ 427 Shelby Cobra
Favorite F1 team: RBR!
Almost all of my HUDs featured in my airplanes are by @Planarialabs so yeah!