Yeet seat
@Sm10684 Thanks!
Ok, that’s fine. Nice work though. @Vincent_
@Sm10684 I'm gonna pass. it wont be put to use for another two months or so. If you want to use it after that, sure. Remember to credit though.
Can I use this in my next car? It’s ready for a seat.
@Beefy Placing the chairs legs upside down.
@Vincent_ Filipinos are notorious for not following instructions
Imagine building a bed out of an ikea shelf
@Beefy Cheap furniture ooga booga
Can't wait for IKEA Philippines
@DerVito yess, it do fucked when i tried to install RB15, will fix it eventually.
@edensk shut, just... shut
@Concordo ooga booga i couldn't care less what score i have.
We need Visby Corvette !!1!
Can I preorder 6 of these? And include the dining table too, preassembled
Part of a wing and a seat, cool.
I’d like to feature this in my next car.
The updated person part is lookin great
Ou no. @Vincent_
@PoinX25tlessWhyShouldI Wong.
Yeet seat
@Sm10684 Thanks!
Ok, that’s fine. Nice work though. @Vincent_
@Sm10684 I'm gonna pass. it wont be put to use for another two months or so.
If you want to use it after that, sure. Remember to credit though.
Can I use this in my next car? It’s ready for a seat.
@Beefy Placing the chairs legs upside down.
@Vincent_ Filipinos are notorious for not following instructions
Imagine building a bed out of an ikea shelf
@Beefy Cheap furniture ooga booga
Can't wait for IKEA Philippines
@DerVito yess, it do fucked when i tried to install RB15, will fix it eventually.
@edensk shut, just... shut
@Concordo ooga booga i couldn't care less what score i have.
We need Visby Corvette !!1!
Can I preorder 6 of these? And include the dining table too, preassembled
Part of a wing and a seat, cool.
I’d like to feature this in my next car.
The updated person part is lookin great
Ou no. @Vincent_
@PoinX25tlessWhyShouldI Wong.