So here I am, losing in to check for notifications as usual, and I don't even notice As I'm going though the first thing. This I go up to my name to get back to Notifications, and I see the "5,044" in a yellow rectangle. At first I'm like, "What?" Then I was sort of like, "Oh, it's a golden tag." And last, I was like, "OH! IT'S A FCKING GOLDEN TAG!" And so I jumped up and ran a few circles around the house. After seven fcking months, I finally made it.
Thank you, Simple Planes, for getting me here, I never thought I'd actually get here. And special thanks to CatAircraftmanufacturer2 who streaked me into gold.
Alrighty then I'll be posting a Gold Special in a bit so look out for that.
Once again, thank you all and Happy Building!