6,450 Flewey

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joined 4.7 years ago

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Hi everyone,

Flewey here. I am not too popular on here, but that's alright. I love planes, and I love making them, regardless of whether or not it's on a game so I'm fine with where I am. Besides, I don't come on here or post very often anymore anyway, so it doesn't make much of a difference.

Anyway, I hope you find my builds entertaining. Some I work hard on, others are more or less just outcomes of my boredom... I'm hoping to make some more detailed builds not that we have some new features, but I dunno, they're probably not going to be top-notch builds like some of the other people on here make.

Regardless, upvote if you feel like it, it's much appreciated if you do, but the most important thing is to enjoy yourself. Either way, have fun, and happy building!

~ Flewey


Republic of Celinia Flag
(The golden branch in the bottom right corner has 14 leaves, each to indicate the 14 provinces of the Grand Republic, two flowers, to indicate the Capital and Vice-Capital, and nine berries, to represent the nine major cities of the Republic. The insignia in the top left corner is a depiction of Celine the Great's battle shield, which was used as the insignia of the Old Empire, when the Republic was still the Empire)

Imperial Celinian Air Force (ICAF) Insignia:
ICAF Insignia
(The ICAF insignia is derived from the insignia of the Old Empire.)


Founding and government:
The Grand Republic of Celinia, or GRC (also referred to as simply the Grand Republic) is the largest and most powerful empire of the northern hemisphere. Most of it's land was acquired when it was still the Empire of Celinia, now referred to as the Old Empire. In 1839, the Last Emperor died, and the people banded together to create a new governing system. Now, the Council of the Twelve is the highest governing branch of the Republic, with one elected leader from each province on the Council.

Earlier Wars:
Civil war - The Republic of Celinia has seen two civil wars in it's lifetime, one in 1472 when Celine the Great (the 19th Empress of the Old Empire) was assassinated and the government overthrown by General Jian and his followers. Jian was defeated, and peace was restored. The second was in 1839 when the Last Emperor died and there was a war between the newly founded Republic of Celinia and the Imperial Remnants.
WW1 - The First World War broke out in 1902 when the German Confederacy, Austria-Ukraine, and Ottoman Sovereignty created the Tri-Power Alliance and began and invasion of the Northern African Reserves. In response to this show of aggression, the Grand Republic organized an alliance with The Unites States of America, the Confederacy of America (which in this world doesn't have slavery or unequal rights, because this world is a utopian world where everyone is equal :D), the Mexican Empire, and Britain-Ireland, which was later deemed the Legion of Nations. The LoN managed to stop the advance of the Tri-Powers and keep them from going any further than they already had, but the line from there did not move, and eleven long years of trench warfare commenced. In 1913, both sides called for a cease-fire, and in 1916, the war was officially ended with the Treaty of Africa.
WW2 - Despite agreeing to remain peaceful and non-aggressive, in 1936, the Tri-Power Alliance secretly reformed. But this time, their target was not Africa. Large amounts of oil had been discovered in the Gulf of Mexico, and the Tri-Powers wanted it. On January 19th, 1934, Tri-Power forces landed in the beaches of the Caribbean islands in the largest naval surprise attack in human history. The Sri-powers quickly took over the Caribbean island and moved into the Floridan peninsula and the Honduran peninsula. The Legion of Nations took quick action, with the United States mobilizing over 60% of it's military to send to the aid of the Confederacy of America, and with the Grand Republic backing up the Mexican Imperial forces. Britain-Ireland provided help by attacking supply ships in the Atlantic Ocean. Fighting was harsh, and at first the Tripowers seems as if they were winning. In June of 1935, Mexico City fell to Tri-Power forces, and what was left of the Mexican Imperial Government fled to the Confederacy of America. But even that safe haven didn't last long, as fighting nearly made it's way to Birmingham, the capital of the Confederacy. fighting continued like this until 1942, when the Legion of Nations finally convinced the Empire of Brazil to take action and join the Legion. By 1943, the Brazilians where engaged in force naval warfare all throughout the Caribbean. Slowly the LoN pushed the Tri-Powers back into Puerto Rico. Most Tri-Power forces mannaged to escape, but a few were captured by Brazilian and British-Irish forces. By 1950, the 16-year-long war had finally ended.

The Era of Peace:
The Era of Peace was a period of time stretching from 1950 to 1972. It was deemed the Era of Peace due to the fact that there were no major conflicts during the time. A few skirmishes and tribal wars in Africa, but for the most part, the world was at peace. World innovation was through the roof. Even the Tri-Powers and the LoN worked together to build on of the largest fresh-water irrigation systems through the Northern African Reserves to bring water to the tribes living there. However, this era ended with The Emergence.

The Emergence:
On April 22nd 1972, a three giant sinkholes appeared in northern Mongolia, eastern France, and on the coast of Texas. Three weeks later, a collective force of 150 million soldiers of the Ciborian Empire marched out of each hole. The Ciborian race was a long forgotten relative of homo sapiens. They had been living in secret under ground for hundreds of thousands of years, and now they were coming up to interact with the rest of the world. But not in the way we preferred.

The Ciborian Invasion:
In March of 1973, almost a year after the Emergence, a force of 50 million Ciborian troops sacked the Republic of Texas. The attack took less than a month.
The Confederacy of America warned the rest of the world and managed to evacuate it's important leaders, but the nation fell shortly afterwards to the seemingly unstoppable force of the Ciborians. So far the death toll was up to 40 million. All-out war commenced, and the forces around the other sinkholes began to fight. The Mongolia sinkhole was first to be defeated, after seven years of fighting. After this, the Grand Republic sent troops to the European Theater as well as the American Theater. Even tribal forces from the Northern African Reserve came to the aid in Europe. By 2004, the Mongolian Sinkhole had been covered up and sterilized, fight fighting still raged on in Europe and America. The Majority of North America had been conquered, but the had not managed to get down to South American, due to the Ciborian's lack of a navy, so most of it's forces were at a choke point in Panama. Landing operations were in the works, and were said to be ready by 2012. in 2013, landing forces arrived a year late in the Caribbean islands, Florida, Texas, points long the west coast of Mexico and the Celinian Controlled North American West Coast. Fighting has continued to present day.

Map of the World:


Colour-coded map of the Grand Republic's fourteen provinces:

Blue - Province of Greater China
Red - Province of Russia and Other Eastern European Territories
Yellow - Province of the East Pacific
Orange - Province of the Stans
Green - Province of Afghanistan-Pakistan
Gold - Province of Taprobane
Beige - Province of Southern Arabia
Purple - Province of the South Pacific
Brick - Province of Madagascar and Other African Territories
Baby Blue - Province of Kentucky-Virginia
Pink - Province of Labrador
Dark Green - Province of the Northern Sea
Salmon - Province of Alaska and Greater British Columbia
Violet - Province of Carolina-Tennessee

(In-Game) Alliances: None
(In-Game) Enemies: None

Previously known as MajorSix, LaBaguette