Somebody asked me to send a link of your B29 with the goblin to them but I don’t know how to do it so I reposted it and if you want me to take it down I think I can do that. Also I love your other builds or at least the ones I can use on my phone.
This should work: Click me
Kennneth is the creator and apparently had to remove it for a bit due to some bugs. Reposted it here though, Space should turn on/off the rain I believe.
maybe you could use the christmas campaign map
Thank you for supporting!@R2d2hunter
Somebody asked me to send a link of your B29 with the goblin to them but I don’t know how to do it so I reposted it and if you want me to take it down I think I can do that. Also I love your other builds or at least the ones I can use on my phone.
i dont think there's any snow maps modon dis cite yet (or mayb i didnt find it yet)
@WIZARD2017 Gotcha. Would be nice to see something of that sort. As for now, there's photoshop.
It's seems possible to make snow in sp but i'm actually looking for a more functional one like the ocean mod.@BagelPlane
There's this map. I'm not sure where the Wright Snow mod went.
This should work: Click me
Kennneth is the creator and apparently had to remove it for a bit due to some bugs. Reposted it here though, Space should turn on/off the rain I believe.
oh,good to hear that, can i have some detail info?@FeatherWing
I don't see how it's impossible as we already have a working Rain mod.
@WIZARD2017 if you don't mind will you plz help me in fly-by-wires
I would insist the Devs to apply the snow mod so that everyone can enjoy.
It's theoretically possible but practically impossible for now. But hopefully these mods will be released in the future just like ocean mod
Mod no
Yes want