@ZWLenning That means you haven't downloaded UGC from steam. I would say download some random mod from the steam workshop for SP to get access to the folder but I think you should see if there's any problems with the mod in unity as well.
You might need to change the file location of the mod. There's an area in the steam folder where you can put mods and there's a jundroo folder where you can put in mods. By default mods download in the jundroo folder (if you're on windows) So check there and move it to the steam location.
Jundroo folder is This PC > Windows :C > Users > (User name) > AppData > LocalLow > Jundroo >
move to
This PC > Windows :C > Program Files x86 > Steam > steamapps > workshop > content
(One of the numbered folders have SP mod content in it)
@HellFireKoder how you do that?
change api version to 4.x
@Tookan :)))))))))))))
@HellFireKoder that worked, thanks so much for the help
@gabi123 photo taken on phone of Windows laptop
Try setting your Api Compatibility Level to .NET 4.x?
that's not a phone bruv
@gabi123 yes we know
@Mostly got it in the correct folder, still doesn't work. Text (as above) says something about reflections not working
@ZWLenning That means you haven't downloaded UGC from steam. I would say download some random mod from the steam workshop for SP to get access to the folder but I think you should see if there's any problems with the mod in unity as well.
bad problems require bad solutions
@Mostly I don't have a workshop folder...?
You might need to change the file location of the mod. There's an area in the steam folder where you can put mods and there's a jundroo folder where you can put in mods. By default mods download in the jundroo folder (if you're on windows) So check there and move it to the steam location.
Jundroo folder is This PC > Windows :C > Users > (User name) > AppData > LocalLow > Jundroo >
move to
This PC > Windows :C > Program Files x86 > Steam > steamapps > workshop > content
(One of the numbered folders have SP mod content in it)
or vice versa
@KnightOfRen -_-
I'd recommend grabbing a 40 caliber pistol, load it, fire 11 rounds into your device, and profit
Im no modder but from what my father has taught me a few good wacks should fix the issue
~Snaps it~