Ground Effect bayyyybeeeee!
Over the last few days i was thinking on what to build. Then i remembered we are going to my most hated F1 track next, Monaco (i really do hate Monaco. I get the heritage, but racing there is a congo line), and then i remembered i built a F1 Car with ground effect in the past, but it was awful. Well, i decided to make a new one, one that’s actually good this time.
Here is the Giorgini SGF1-78:
And look, i made a steering wheel just for it!
Overral, i’m really happy with this car, it handles great, is very fast, has a lot of grip, it’s really good!
Here is a hotlap with the car in action
T to be Tagged, should be out in 1 or 2 days!
It may change before posting, i'm trying to make it the best it can be!
Forgot to write: its's out
@Tookan yes
@KnightOfRen yes, i am livin and existin