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Should we switch ? ( A big decision )

1,819 Captainboeing  3.8 years ago

Many of us are waiting for a new update the last update was in august and till now there is no update. So this is just a clear message that the Devs will no longer work or try to improve the game. They are not tired or something, they are constantly working on SR 2 a another game from Jundroo.

Or we are waiting for SP 2 there is no serious proof that the Devs are even working on the game. They already have implemented all the SP 2 in SR 2 .

BUT many of us think that SR 2 is a rocket simulation game but not.

Here are some cool features that we are begging for SP :-

I play simplerockets2 its way more better in terms of parts and customization than simpleplanes. Some cool planes features.

  1. Engine
    Sr 2 has a highly customizable Jet engine you can tweak its compression ratio,
    inlet style, nozzle style, compression ratio and also reverse thrust and afterburners
    2.Lights are also detailed you can set its intensity (brightness). Beacon lights are just amazing you can enter how many seconds it will blink.
    3.Fuselage have many different styles and textures.
  2. In built cockpit with inside views.

    .5. Paint has emission option for lights.
  3. No need of custom landing gear you can tweak its size retraction speed, retraction angle, vertical offset and many more.
  4. highly customizable wing with options for control surface deflection speed and angle.
  5. Seats for planes and rockets.

  6. There is an astronaut which is typically a human you can jump, play, drive, or just do anything you can also name it. So no need for fuselage passengers.

  7. Dummy human for testing
  8. Gauges and interactive screens that can show you map and all details and it also features a calculator!
  9. Easy to use built programming like scratch you can use it to make autopilot.
  10. Motor for continuous rotation.
  11. In built fine tuner easy to use gizmo.
  12. Custom screenshot option
  13. Highly detailed bases in the planet with runway, ATC tower, hangar, launch pads and water harbour.
  14. Ship and 🚢? lovers don't be sad you can make water vessels also including submarines.
  15. You can go underwater 💦🌊
  16. Improved website
    So finally simplerockets2 features all things you need for a complete plane and some other features. And it features all things we are demanding for simpleplanes. so better switch to simplerockets 2 don't wait for updates. don't think if the game's name is related to rockets so it is all about rockets it also focuses on planes..

    Just take a look.

Yes you cant imagine this can also run on mobile. No FPS drop even with 1000+ parts.

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    @CarleeSavage I play both the games actually, But yeah Juno is definately better. But Simpleplanes is a classic which I can't forget!

    1.4 years ago
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    It looks like you were facing a big decision about whether to switch to Simplerockets 2 or stick with Simpleplanes.
    It's interesting to see how games evolve over time, and the features you mentioned in Simplerockets 2 do sound pretty awesome especially the detailed customization options.
    When you were dealing with this decision, I was just wondering how you did on that. Did you end up making the switch, or did you stick with Simpleplanes?
    When you're struggling to make a decision, a little trick I've found helpful is just to toss a coin . It's a quick and easy way to break the deadlock when you can't make up your mind.

    1.5 years ago
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    31.3k Mostly

    Are you saying you want SR2, a 15 dollar game, to go open source? You know jundroo devs need money to keep making more content, right? Making the game free is chopping off a main line of income. @RC1138Boss

    3.8 years ago
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    " So this is just a clear message that the Devs will no longer work or try to improve the game."

    Thanks for posting this, I needed a giggle.

    +2 3.8 years ago
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    @RC1138Boss And every one respects you even with 5 parts craft. No need to make a higher part craft just make it unique

    3.8 years ago
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    @ZippyyThecat Are you even there how can you tell that it is toxic ? plus there are many amazing users that can teach you XML editing, Vizzy how to make things etc. It even has a larger community on YouTube so if you are a beginner everything is easy for you.

    3.8 years ago
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    4,039 RC1138Boss

    Look at my bio, I made a decent plane, for a noob and no-one saw it like in SP I would be like, congrats! Good job! There it was like, nah bruv. @ExiledKristen

    3.8 years ago
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    4,039 RC1138Boss

    Cant they just take all the SR2 assets and put it into an file bundle then give it away for free so the community make there own game, @Mostly, I’m looking at @Kennneth…..

    3.8 years ago
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    40.9k Fyru

    @ZippyyThecat same its very toxic when i enter sr2 i saw this
    Ban this User
    Comment section:Sucess

    3.8 years ago
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    41.9k Ren

    @ZippyyThecat Can confirm

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    3,656 Dathcha

    The devs aren’t updating sp, because they can’t. The engine is really outdated

    3.8 years ago
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    10.2k Sparky6004


    3.8 years ago
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    31.3k Mostly

    It would be easier to implement in a newer version of unity, which SP does not run on. Plus, one of the best ways for jundroo to keep supporting the game is to work from the ground up. I think SP as a game has run its course. What jundroo is capable of creating now compared to what they did when they first released SP is night and day. I think it would be a bit of a waste to add so many well-made features onto janky old code.

    3.8 years ago
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    9,499 Tookan


    3.8 years ago
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    4,038 YoDudeChase

    @iniMiiW Hmm

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    24.0k FeatherWing

    Well, yes, this game is 6 years old. So wouldn't you think the Devs would naturally focus on a much newer project?
    Also, I know SP is a pretty difficult game to update as it's complex, according to the Moderators.

    3.8 years ago
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    9,499 Tookan

    I have SR2 on mobile, it's cool but quite hard to get used to, still sticking with SimplePlanes cuz bigger community and you receive more acknowledgement for things you do...and there's less furries he- I mean, more nicer people here :D

    +3 3.8 years ago
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    2,298 Bo1233

    Ah, but there are no prop engines?

    3.8 years ago
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    0 ISEAD

    the game is really beautiful

    3.8 years ago
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    0 ISEAD


    3.8 years ago
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    @Captainboeing Yes i am not going to permanently leave i am just telling to try the game and stop begging for update and realize that the game is 6 years old

    3.8 years ago
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    Yes i am also going to switch but the love for SP will always be in my heart

    3.8 years ago
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    @4Luis2Silva Really

    3.8 years ago