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Wiggly pitch, bad pitch

7,242 Vayloz  3.7 years ago

How do I stop this, plane just lose like 30% of its speed when doing a pitch. And it starts wiggling its nose up and down. It happens a lot, I can deal with it when doing a non-replica. But sadly when doing replica, I fail miserably. Currently doing a sukhoi 27 and I want to make it fly smoothly.

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    7,242 Vayloz

    @--Chancey21 ah thanks, you're kind. I already fixed it somehow. Now it flies too good I had to lower the turn rate.

    3.7 years ago
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    69.5k Chancey21

    tag me, I'll fix it and tell you what I did

    +2 3.7 years ago
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    16.5k edensk

    reduce the deflection of the pitch surfaces, you're stalling the airplane

    3.7 years ago
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    4,347 Formula350

    There's more to it than this, and I don't have the knowledge yet to fully address what you're experiencing; however, I have been able to solve this in my own builds by adjusting the CoM (red dot). On jets with CoT at the rear, seems that having the CoM a bit forward of the CoL is ideal (a "bubble" in length in front of seems sufficient).
    But too much weight towards the front, or too far to the front, will cause it to oscillate (wiggle) like that.

    Another cheap trick is to make two small "canards", but then hide them INSIDE the plane somewhere near the nose. I had to do that on my "QueSST" plane in order to get it to fly better.
    Hiding them inside the body won't ruin the looks, but will help counteract some of SP's physics issues.

    3.7 years ago