4,364 Formula350

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joined 6.9 years ago

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Educational / Tutorial Threads I've Made:

  • https://www.simpleplanes.com/Forums/View/1475902/ -- "Extreme Slicing", or simply, entering values (through Overload) higher or lower than what's possible through the normal Menu system (where it's called "Fill"). This gives you even MORE control over the Slices by being able to adjust where the "End", and/or "Start". of the slice is at on the Fuselage. (Includes a few basic pics to go along with the Examples)
  • https://www.simpleplanes.com/Forums/View/1470832/ -- Resource I've compiled about the Rich Text Codes support, to use in areas like Gauge Labels and the Text Labels input boxes.
    -------- See Also: This shared Label containing Unique Font Characters you can use.
  • https://www.simpleplanes.com/Forums/View/1469045/ -- Using the Slice Tool on the Fuselage Cone part can yield unfavorable results since we only have access to adjusting the "Fill" on the back. HOWEVER, you CAN still adjust the "Fill" on the front manually, as well as make it so adjusting the back is less extreme.
  • https://www.simpleplanes.com/Forums/View/1453933/ -- Ejected Brass effect for Cannons and how I went about it. I've seen it done with Gatling Guns/Machine Guns, which inspired me on this method. Which, others may have already done this as well, but I'd wager my method has one KEY difference :D
  • https://www.simpleplanes.com/Forums/View/1449587/ -- A nice method I stumbled across (using Overload) to create a recessed and smooth ceiling for a big cockpit like in an airliner, with a single part. The result looks great, although it might take a bit of tinkering to get it to look that way for the size you may need, which is the unfortunate downside of it... heh (with the new Slice tool, this may be able to make even better/smaller)

My Companies:

TFZ.D/TFZ|D/350D - ThreeFiveZero Division and builds tagged with [TFZ] (or some variation) will feature that company's insignia on the build. I couldn't come up with anything catchier, and just based it on the numbers in my name.
(backstory: Formula350 was an option package for the Pontiac Firebird, denoting the 350 cubic inch displacement 5.7L V8, of which I've owned 2 and still have my 1993 model)
D.E.R.P.A./DERPA - Derpily Engineered Rocket Powered Aerowerx and was borne during the build of my rocket-powered... rocket... the "Derpship I" -- rocket powered, in the *literal* sense!
It is from an alternate dimension, similar to how "Kerbin" (of KSP fame) being like Earth, except this planet is derpy looking by being misshapen... thus, its name: "Derpy". Citizens are called "Derps" (instead of Kerbals), and their astronauts are... you guessed it, "Derponauts" (verses Kerbonauts)!
Which Derponaut Betty (Female Test Dummy in a Spacesuit) was their first ragdoll, and when she exited the space capsule during the first-ever space walk (EVA), was heard saying: That is... one small step for DOLLS.... One... giant leap, for RAG-DOLLS...
(backstory: this is a play on words for the not-exactly-related US agency: DARPA [Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency]. I also wanted it to have the same 'ring' to it as NASA.)

Since I find it rather annoying you can't (easily?) browse all the uploaded works from a person I will try to keep a list of them here:

My Creations:

P-51-D Racer "Midnight' Fun" - TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATOR
OK this is TECHNICALLY not my creation and belongs in the Modified list (based on Jundroo's), but, I've done so much to this that even though I didn't make the base plane, I still have the same amount of pride for this as if it were my own!
At the core is the P-51-D that I initially spent time cleaning up all the lines and seams, but then evolved into a Racer that was based on a privately built/funded racer called "Tsunami".
This is also a Technology Demonstrator for the new Label System, to show off what someone [me] with a VERY CRUDE understanding of Funky Trees (and no general coding knowledge) is still able to accomplish! As well as ways you can utilize the labels in unconventional ways, to stylize your build. Therefore: I give you my open-ended permission to make parts SubAssemblies from it, and utilize any of the code, or knowledge gained. I only ask to be credited!
(The Cockpit and Canopy sizes are slightly smaller than stock parts, so I suggest keeping them together; ALL instrument panel parts/labels/switches/buttons are connected to the Cockpit directly; All labels or hidden doubled-up gauges are connected to the main Gauge you can select, for ease of Sub Assembly making or moving around with Nudge [just toggle "Connected Parts" option in Fine Tune menu])

My first tail-rotor equipped helicopter and... it's amazing!
No no, not at flying, it sucks at that! I mean, it works, but... it uses the new Emojis that I discovered were built-into the new Label's underlying text system via the <sprite= > Rich Text tag, which I created the helicopter around!
( I sincerely hope Jundroo or modders utilize that sprite ability, to add far more interesting textures that we can use; 1-part roundels for example!)

DERPA's Derpship I
The first built to come from DERPA. This build uses NO air-breathing, liquid fuel-burning engines! Is powered solely by the "Rocket" weapon part, scaled up to provide better visuals -- or in the case of the Solid Rocket Boosters, provide the entire structure for! This required some clever (see: derpy) _engineering _(see: misuse) of the Rockets in order to get them to stay put, as to harness their thrust; also xml modding in order to give them infinite thrust duration, as well as no self-detonation timer... cuz that'd be bad for our Derponaught's health!

[TFZ.D] "W-Wing" Planetary Fighter - "Red Leader"
Model "TFZ-18 Mk.II" of the W-Wing class of craft. (Just something I made up, to fit the visual style; thankfully 'W-Wing' hadn't been used in StarWars yet!)
It's a security/fighter, but not designed to leave a planet's atmosphere.... Not that it couldn't operate in space, but simply because it lacks any sort of life support that'd be needed for such endeavors.

Three-Five-Zero Division's TFZ-9UFF Twin-Prop Fighter
First model under the 350D banner. Multi-role due to the twin Auto-Cannons. 4 A2A missiles, Triple front mounted 50cal, with twin .308s in an underside rear Auto-Aim turret. (Their collision is disabled to not shoot yourself down, so they unfortunately don't shoot anything ELSE down, either...)
Took me a ton of effort to sort out the code to making a turret work on the UNDERSIDE of the plane. Feel free to use it, but I do ask to please credit me... heh NOTE: Those guns are set with "Disable Aircraft Collisions" as to not shoot up this plane; HOWever, that unfortunately also means the bullets cannot damage any other plane as well. So you will want to change that if you plan to use it for anything other than looks.

[1917] de Bruyere C1 "White Knight" (CAS)
My entry for MAHADI's WWI challenge. I am really not partial to WWI era technology and design, but this prototype by de Bruyere is rather ahead of its time I thought. Unfortunately, it crashed on its maiden test flight and was abandoned. I liked its appearance, in addition to the fact it never got to fly. Unfortunately, from what I was able to determine, there was good reason it didn't fly! It took considerable effort to get mine to behave, and it felt as though I was fighting the SP Physics Engine the entire time... It felt like a flying brick. It's still not great, but it's fun to just fly casually around, but be warned that its demons still lurk and will quickly come out if you do anything too extreme!

"Cerberus" - Naval Railgun turret (Triple)
This is my first sub-assembly weapon. Was what I originally started making getting way off track, which resulted in the Gauss Rifle (below). Since that was too "busy" of a design to repurpose into a cannon system, I started from scratch. I had much to learn, as although the build only took me a few hours, the 'problem solving' of getting it working well took me about a day. Works great now, elevation and traverse are butter smooth, although I wish Rotators let you do continuous 360deg rotation, which is a downside here -- the slow movements (0.05 setting) is intentional due to its size.
NOTE: This was posted the same day as AvalonIndustries' own "Cerberus" release, which also happens to be a triple-gun system of similar gun styling, but is a turreted-tank. It is nothing more than an amazing coincidence; great minds think alike!

A PERFECT Radiation Symbol / Roundel
I know that's a mighty bold claim to make, but it really is perfect. Used the OSHA approved image, set to a Blueprint, and modeled everything exactly. I needed one for the interior of a certain other build *cough ^ ^ ^ cough*, but thought it might be something others would like to have as well.
UNFORTUNATELY, due to how the petals are made, they don't scale down in the same way as everything else, which means considerable effort will be needed to make it smaller... and it's kinda large at the moment (as you can see compared to that cockpit). So it's only perfect in its own scales and rotation, but imperfect in terms of userfriendliness! For that I apologize and one day hope to address :)

NASA's Mars ''Ingenuity'' Helicopter [Real-life Scale]
To commemorate the first powered-flight on another planet (by humans at least? lol). This is a very tiny drone helicopter, which also commemorates my first rotor craft. It behaves very well though, which I can only thank NASA for, since I used their specs (although I had to guess of CoM, I just went with what flew well). Just... be aware, it's slow, but what do you expect for a 1.3ft tall craft with 4ft wide rotors and only weighs 4lbs? :P
That link has all the information, and that download works just fine; however, in interested here's the "fixed" version that addressed a part not being attached thanks to a stupid bug in SP.

Gauss Rifle on Turret [Rev2.6.1-rc]
My first non-vehicle related build and I'm rather proud of it, so... top of the list! It's a turret-mounted futuristic gun that does still function by firing a projectile, but is otherwise disguised in an elaborate shell that makes it look something like a Gauss Rifle... though also like a Laser Rifle. (Went with Gauss since they still fire a projectile, making it easier to explain the lobbing object that comes out of this! lol)

RC Kicking Fish [1/4 Scale] -
(Ok this one isn't exactly 'my' creation)
Just figured it'd be interesting to make a very tiny version of a plane, and since I wanted to make sure it'd work out, I used one that handled well by default. Took quite awhile to work out a system to get it to not fly so fast, as around 130MPH it would rip its wings clean off! lol
A 1/4-sized 1/4-size Kickingfish ;) (1/16th scale of the original!) Was quite a pain to get it to actually fly... It still isn't the most stable*, either, but it definitely is tiny!
*stable not just in flight, but in that it has a very real
chance to crash SP if you maneuver too hard!

Supercharged 1600HP V8 (Functional Exhaust+Intake) -
The usual "Engine" in SP, but I dressed it up to look like a supercharged V8; complete with functional butterfly valves on the intake (open/close with Throttle) and fiery exhaust ports ala vintage WWII fighter planes. Free to use it in whatever you'd like: air, sea, or land!

U.A.N. Mk.VII "Tater-tot" (150kt) -
My fictional entry to the Nuclear Weapon Challenge. Based on "Little Boy" nuke of WWII era, but outfitted with an small jet engine, wings, and... is remote control (and slightly modeled interior nuke detonation system) like a V-2 Flying Bomb! Even has a functional remote-detonator, so you get to pick when and where it explodes... because it's a Nuke, you don't need to be THAT close to your target! Thus the name of "UAN" - Unmanned Aerial Nuke.

Lockheed Martin / NASA X-59 "QueSST" X-Plane -
Started this back when I originally got SP, but couldn't really get it to fly well enough and mothballed it. Now that I know more about some of the XML tidbits, I was able to negate some of the negative characteristics and finish it... albeit still not quite how I wanted, as its ugly SP-wings are not skinned like I originally wanted.
It flies straight at least, and doesn't pitch up as bad, but it still is quite extreme! lol

Satan's Buzzsaw Mk.Vb -
Initial Entry for the Push-Pull Challenge. (submitted as the second)
This is where I built that Supercharged V8. Well behaved, fun to fly, albeit a not quite as nimble as I'd hoped in terms of pitch, which means it isn't suited for racing.

Twin X-16 "Screaming Raven" Mk.IV (Contraband Runner) -
Entry #2 for the Push-Pull Challenge. (although the one I uploaded first)
I wasn't sure if my first entry, Satan's Buzzsaw, actually qualified under his Push-Pull definition, so I started making another submission. I went a bit... crazy. 1 V8 wasn't enough. Neither was 2... so I welded 2 together to form an X-16, and then equipped it with TWO of those. :D It's also a Bi-Plane of sorts.
It is very fast and nimble, which given it also has ample cargo space AND can takeoff before reaching the end of even USS Tiny sized runways, I figured it was perfectly suited for being a Gun or Drugs runner :P ... Or some sort of absurd Crop Duster? *shrug*

Built by You; Modified by Me

Derponaut Betty (Female Test Dummy in a Spacesuit)
JATO Betsy's older sister who is decided she wanted to play with BIG rockets [rocket not included; some assembly required]. This dummy comes with a full Spacesuit and an Extravehicular Mobility Unit (or EMU) for use during space walks. Despite all the added pieces, she IS still a ragdolling Test Dummy. Also comes with an arm-mounted display (which I'll update when v1.11 officially rolls out, with some gauges), that indicates when certain action groups are activated, as well as a blinking red beacon when your Fuel reserves have reached 25%.

JATO Betsy - Female Test Dummy
I loved what Suubk27 had made, and knew I needed to strap a rocket (not jet!) pack to it, to send it flying! However, not being fair to re-upload something I did virtually no work on, and wanting to give the female users some representation, I decided that instead of "Buster", I'd make a "Betsy" :)
Which as the name implies, I strapped not one, but TWO Jet Assisted Take Off rockets to her! (I suppose, in hindsight, technically they're RATOs, being Rockets... oops lol)

Boeing 797 "Eagle Airways"
My tweak to Dann's wonderful 797 "Blended Body Wing". I completely redid the Leading Edge Slats, opting for it to be Landing Gear controlled though instead of based off a combination of VTOL and airspeed. I also added a ""ConTrails"" system, for the helluvit. Finally, a Livery -- three to be exact -- that was inspired by the look of the plane at a certain angle while I had some pieces painted black, which reminded me of an Eagle; thus Eagle Airways.

Hypnotoad ain't got nuthin on Hypnofrog! Look into his eyes and just TRY to disagree! I had lots of fun giving him real legs, but I'm having even MORE fun playing with it! He's so silly...

Jockheed-Marvin ZR-81F (UCAF)
Sadly this beautifully made SR-71A doesn't seem to be on the site anymore, so Auto-Credit doesn't show up; however, I would never claim other's work, so it belongs down here since I only modified it!
This was a "What If" alternate reality idea I had, and had fun creating. I wondered what it'd be like if the SR-71 lacked the pure-jet engines but instead had something more propeller based? I settled on a hybrid of both actually, by using a turbine powered "Ultra-High Bypass Fan" design, which uses a normal turbofan setup with two external "fan" (propeller) assemblies at the back.

As 15 ,,Dagger,, (cleaner lines) -
Astro12's "As 15" that I liked the looks of and decided to apply a little OCD TLC, by smoothing things out and fine tuning part locations, as well as adding a housing for the previously exposed twin gatling guns.

eII.kM ,,reggaD,, 51 sA -
When I saw Astro12's user avatar, featuring his As 15, I thought it was flying opposite of how it was: ie backwards. When I downloaded it and found it was cockpit-forward and not cockpit-aft, I was surprised. After smoothing it out I then went to work on actually making it "backwards" like I thought. Thus the name being reversed :P

Black Widow Airlines
My submission to a Livery Challenge, though I did extensive modification to the base plane first, and I'm glad I did. It's simple, but I'm happy with how it turned out; furthermore, it flies like a dream!