4,362 Formula350 Comments

  • Terminator snapping turtle 3.4 years ago

    *thinks out loud*
    ... Hmm ok... If Animal Planet has taught me anything it's that the way to defeat a snapper, is to grab it by the edge of the shell...
    ... Doing that means it can't reach you with its sharp beak and tree-snapping jaw strength, nor scratch you with its long and sharp claws...
    ... So then...
    *looks at General Characteristics*
    ... Yes. That might work...
    ... I'm going to need to develop a Skycrane helicopter and a giant "hand" it can lower down, to grab ahold of it...
    ... But, this is a "Terminator" Snapper, so it undoubtedly has defensive armaments...
    ... So I need to make sure this is also a Stealth Skycrane...


    ... This is totally not going to work, and I'm totally going to crash, becoming this things lunch...
    "Winterro... if I die... Please clear my browser history??"

  • Twin Prop 3.4 years ago

    @MrShenanigans & @jamesPLANESii
    None of the New/Updated (v1.11) builds are listed from what I see. They probably just forgot to publish them after the update went live. We all auto-downloaded them when updating anyhow.
    However, here's the list of the other new/updated builds just in case anyone needs or wants them (their originals versions now have a (Simple) suffix appended to their name and filename):
    Bush Plane
    Gator 2
    Kicking FIsh
    Sea Plane
    [Jackhammer and Little Bugger were not updated; Quadcopter does not have a URL provided in its file and is Unlisted.]

  • plane.txt 3.4 years ago

    Plane.exe has crashed due to a fatal error.

    [_ OK _]

  • Kaboom 3.3 years ago

    @Bryan5 Under the images on the left where it says:


    Under it is a blue rectangular button that says "PC / Mac"
    Click that.
    It will take you to a small disclaimer page.
    On this page, bottom right, is another big blue button that now says "Download"
    Click that.
    It will take you to DropBox and... that's as far as I went lol

  • Pompom J 3.5 years ago

    Gained +20mph (1074mph -> 1094mph) just by making sure the red propeller blades airfoil (via XML) were not set to inverted: true, and that all the blue propeller blades airfoil were not set to inverted: false
    Better yet, went up a further +26mph (1094mph -> 1120mph) by setting all the propeller blades to Flat Bottom
    Granted, speed can be attained easily just by increasing the 4 big Rotator's speed %, but I was trying to locate areas of inefficiencies is all.
    (I know this was so long ago now, but the info might prove useful to someone like me who came here out of curiosity!)

  • Steam Summer Sale 3.7 years ago

    I grabbed Simple Rockets 2 due to this. :) As I had indeed been wanting it but couldn't convince myself to pull the trigger.
    HOWEVER... I only did so, in the hopes that it means addition time can afforded to be put towards SimplePlanes... As there's lots of QoL bugs in here that need addressing (and QoL adjustments/features), @AndrewGarrison.
    I've neglected to file a proper bug report due to assuming it wouldn't do much good, feeling that SP is fairly back-burnered/low-priority status. Things like using Undo and it reverting wwwwwway more than just the last 'change', are one of many.
    (example: using Attachment Editor on a bunch of parts, maybe the built-in Fine Adjustments, then Mouse Grab a part to move it and it takes other parts you didn't intend. So you Undo, and suddenly all your Attachments you made were also reverted, or the Fine position adjustments undone. Not game-breaking, but there's been times I've closed SP out of frustration over losing so much work!)

  • Autosave and Backup 3.3 years ago

    Woo!! HUGE thank you, for making this for me! ^_^
    (And good thing I decided to check your recent posts to see if you'd finished it! lol)

    @Bobyo WNP78 had replied in my Mod Request thread for this. So at the very least, they're aware of the desire for the function.
    I suppose they'll now be able to sort of monitor how desirable this is (on Desktop SP) based on the Download Count, and if it ends up being a considerable portion of the active userbase... it's always possible :) *fingers crossed*
    (I had thought all along, that the game DID use a timed autosave, and that it was triggered by more things, but I was quite incorrect... heh)

  • Text Stars 3.3 years ago

    Nice job on those!
    And you're absolutely right about changing the size! lol
    Which to anyone curious, they're referring to changing scale from 1,1,1 until you get the size you want.
    You only have to change the first and last number, but make sure they are the same number (like 3,1,3) or it look strange. :P

  • Update v1.11 - Inside Job 3.4 years ago

    [This is more of a suggestion./grievance, so I've separated it]

    The Variables system sounds awesome, but I feel like we're not being offered the info needed about it, as virtually none has been provided beyond what WNP78 offered in the ""previous beta post"" (linked at bottom of Andrew's post). I feel there's likely tons of unknown capability with even general XML options on parts that we don't know about, simply because there's no resource for us to access. (The SimpleCheats page is outdated with info missing or incomplete for the stuff it does have, and is outright missing other stuff. Such as what are valid choices for partCollisionResponse beyond Default? Only recently, through another player's build, did I learn that None was also valid!) I worry the same is true for FT (although Sn0wflake's FT Guide is amazingly helpful!), but is definitely true currently, regarding capabilities, possibilities, and limitations of Variables. :(
    Basically, SimplePlanes.com needs its own integrated Wiki (the Reddit one is... kind of awful...). There already is a system in place to limit who can add or edit content: our profile ranks!
    Devs/Mods would have full access (create pages/edit/upload and remove images/rollback/lock/delete pages)
    Platinum could be allowed to create/edit/upload pics/rollback
    Gold... create/edit/upload pics(?)
    Silver... edit
    Bronze... comment on the Talk page?
    Unranked... read-only
    But that's just my 2-cylinders worth... :P

  • Test Dummy 3.4 years ago

    @PapaKernels Cllllose............................ :}
    EDIT: Wwweeeeeeeeeee!!!! (image)
    He's so majestic...
    I had to make some tweaks, in addition to his rocketpack. Namely, give him buttcheecks, and add some weight to his appendages so he flails around properly (the game does not like having everything's massScale set to 0 [or nearly everything]). And a gyro with very light settings, just so I didn't have to monkey for hours with the CoM lol
    Though most of the time was spent getting the seatbelt straps fitting properly.
    I can upload it if anyone wants it.

    EDIT2: Opted to make it a Female variant before uploading, with the same rocketpack, but added some personal refinements to the joint-system (like adding another hinge to the shoulder).
    I've affectionately named her JATO Betsy
    (I'm not fishing for upvotes and I'll be happy to remove this edit if Suubk, or even should anyone else, feels that me linking to mine on here is poor etiquette! Please @ me if so.)

  • Vickers Vanguard cockpit functional systems showcase 3.4 years ago


    I mean, there are only 8 action groups :(

    But ARE there only 8? ;)
    I lack the FT skills to test this, but I've been speculating that isn't necessarily true.
    I have been setting the AG on certain things recently, to being numbers beyond the 0-8 (technically 1-8), and they apply w/o error. Granted, the menu system on the Parts Setting claims it's no good by the button literally saying ERROR, but the build spawns in fine and everything behaves as intended.
    I've had success using values of 9 and even -1 and -2, just to make it so the parts I've added weren't able to be accidentally triggered (for instance, when I used finless Rockets in an ammo-belt for a machinegun). They still show up in the Weapon System menu, but it seems as though even clicking on them doesn't allow them to be triggered, since their AG isn't activated :)
    Ok so what's my point and where does FT come in...?
    I speculate that if you were to set up a FT script that was to look for, say, a combination of events, that you could use that to actuate more lights and switches!
    For instance, if you set a Hinge Rotator's AG to be set to 15 and then have an Input of something like this, but coded correctly (I don't know if & is what I'd use to separate additional 'commands'? But that's what it is signifying here) :
    (Activate9 = 1) & (Throttle > .90) ? Activate15 : -Activate15 ; Activate15 ? 1 : 0
    So translation for what I'm hoping for:
    IF AG9 is ON and Throttle greater-than 90%, THEN Enable AG15, ELSE Disable AG15 ALSO IF AG15 is ON, THEN set its Input to 1, ELSE set its Input to 0.
    Therefore, a Switch -- which I guess would now be its own part, not a Hinge Rotator -- could be actuated conditionally, where it relies further on an AG that's outside our selectable range to also be on. So basically it'd require some other switch to be on before it too gets activated.... Maybe... :}

    Granted, I could be overthinking this and in the end all a person would need would be to look for certain conditions, making the "Extended-Range" Action Group assignment portion completely unnecessary.
    Alas, that's why I prefaced it with me not being a FT coder lol

  • and this is where we say goodbye to the legendary Sadboye12 3.5 years ago

    I hope it isn't a hard-quit, but just the realization that he should perhaps spend some of the time doing other things.
    Playing a game is not about whether there is tangible reward to be obtained or achieved, it's about doing something you like and find fun. Too little in life provides us with that kinda of unrelenting joy, so removing it from your life entirely doesn't sound like the best idea... (in my unprofessional opinion)
    On the flip side, if you are spending too much time doing what you enjoy, to the point it is in fact preventing you from doing more productive things (by consuming all your time), be them things you really should be doing but aren't -or- just things you feel would be better suited for you to spend your time on... Then certainly, realizing that you need to do that is not bad.
    So the take away here I suppose is whether you -- people in general, but Sadboye as well -- are spending a lot of your free time playing SP because you are genuinely having fun, or whether you're spending the time you should be working/studying/etc and are perhaps legitimately "addicted" to the game?
    The former would simply merit some self control and cutting back on how much time you put in. Even if that means setting simple alarms on your phone as a reminder, there's nothing wrong with that and would simply be you acting responsibly.
    The latter would probably be a case where quitting entirely is perhaps the best choice, at least for the time being. Once you can get into a routine that rewards you (dopamine release), then perhaps SP won't be able to have that some all-consuming grip on your life.

    @Sadboye12 Thanks for your help, tips, and for sharing with us so many of your insanely incredible/amazing/beautiful/elegant/creative builds!! ❤️
    Take care, and hope you'll indeed be able to come back soon. See ya around! :)

  • Variable wing 3.3 years ago

    This and Variable Fuselage, both need to be added to the vanilla game! :P
    But simplifying their menus would be the really hard part... :( heh

  • Axis 3.3 years ago

    I was considering making a request to FineTuner, but it seems now THIS mod is more suited for it...
    REQUEST #1: Allow for pasting in of Overload-formatted position, rotation, and scale sizes, AND/OR the ability to Copy those values right from the "Axis" mod's window... so that I can easily copy-paste the full string of values between different parts :D
    I do a lot of that, and as it is now, I have to: click on a part, open Overload, copy whichever variable's value, then select the other part, open Overload, paste in said values.
    Having that ability within a single menu that remains open would be super helpful!
    Actually, if by chance Axis can hook into FineTuner as well, to provide this feature while I have a parts Multi-Selected, that'd be even more. helpful! lol

    REQUEST #2: A simple button to let me "Zero" my built on the X-axis!
    Please please please...
    With how painful the game's drag system is, and how glitchy even the Mirroring can be at times, I often end up manually having to mirror stuff in order for my plane to fly straighter. (Though, often the Drag is to blame which is outside the scope of this mod heh)
    So when god only knows what. has caused SP's Designer to skew my entire build by X: 0.000130 (or some other random value), it makes my brain hurt due to being genuinely that bad at math... well ok mostly just not wanting to do the math because that's not fun, and fun is why I'm playing SP! :}

    I could ask for more, but I'll shush since I'm undoubtedly -- as usual -- about to exceeded the character limit for posts... lol

  • Krakobloa 2 3.3 years ago

    Question 1: How tall is it?
    Question 2: Is it possible to somehow have one or two Naval Ships (USS Tiny, or one of the Destroyers) be made to spawn inside the caldera, with their flag set to have them spawn pre-damaged?? :D Reason being, this will cause them to emit a tall cloud of black smoke (and a bit of fire), to give the volcano some visual effect!
    Suggestion 1a: Add a hidden, but quite large, water entrance to a big cavernous area... You know, for a villain's secret lair! Something ships can enter, maybe where there's some ground vehicles that spawn (stationary) for us to blow up...
    Suggestion 1b: A runway that exits the side of the mountain, for the villain's air fleet/private jet.
    Suggestion 2: Assuming the terrain editor being used allows for making that cave runway... it'd also be cool to have a really long and hollowed out lava tube (ancient, inactive) that's somewhat high-up on the mountain. Large enough in diameter for a fighter-sized plane to make it through -- about the size of the bridges in other words. However, not just a straight hole through the mountain of course, to give us a bit of a challenge to fly though it (like the Kraken, but, not moving at the same time lol)
    Which 1a and 1b combined, could be the replacement for the Bandit base and runway, as well as the Water Spawn/shipyard/dock area. This would also provide a legitimate reason for such a large Convoy to be making their rounds, as they'd be the evil henchmen. ;)
    Observation: Updooted by @VolcanicAsh .... username checks out.

  • Update v1.11 - Inside Job 3.4 years ago

    Feature Corrections and Unmentioned Additions/Changes:

    (tagged as [c] or [n], respectfully; 'correction' may also get used to indicate I have provided clarification or further info)
    - [c] The ability "hide parts" is sadly only a Designer-Only feature. We are not able to toggle whether a part is actually hidden -- such as, to have a wing added but toggled "hidden", leaving its physics present but no model rendered while playing -- and it's limited to that Design Session as well, resetting once you spawn your build and return to the Designer screen. You also have to go through the process of clicking through menus after selecting each part, to keep on hiding things. (just cumbersome in my opinion, unless there's a hotkey I've not uncovered?)
    - [c] The hideCowl for WWII engines does not "hide the engine cowl", but actually hides the entire engine leaving just the Propeller and its Domed Hub. (Hiding the cowl would technically leave an exposed engine, like ol-timey Radial and Rotary engines [SP does not have any "Rotary" style engines though, which rotated all the cylinders with the propeller affixed to them, around a stationary-crankshaft that was bolted to the plane's frame])
    - [n] For the Fuselage part, now when you have a Rise set and change the Length of the fuselage, it no longer causes your Rise to be thrown off. YAY!!
    - [n?] [This may have already been in SP but I seriously don't remember it happening...] Jet Engines now have dynamic exhaust! When your engines lack enough Inlets for air (therefore, are 'starved for sufficient air') and are thereby running ""fuel rich"", their exhaust becomes realistically blacker/darker! Also, the exhaust becomes longer or shorter depending on altitude and/or speed. [In my limited testing thus far, the faster you go at low altitude (under 12K ft) the longer the exhaust scale becomes. At typical airliner cruising altitudes, the exhaust is significantly shorter even though you're at roughly the same TAS.]
    - [c] The slant option only imparts it on the Back of that fuselage part. This is just here in case anyone else had a different expectation of what would be possible... like in my case... lol
    - [c] Not all parts allow you to CTRL+Click their Input to open up the Funky Editor. It's hit-and-miss on which parts actually do let you access it (Wing control surfaces don't for their "Type" field, which is Input governed in XML; Beacons don't for their inputId, but DO for their AG; but most surprising is Switches and Buttons do not for anything, nor do they let you even type anything in to their AG field)
    <and because OF COURSE my post was cut short, CONTINUES BELOW>

  • Update v1.11 - Inside Job 3.4 years ago

    - [c?] There are actually Two buttons for the Variables; one is as mentioned in bottom-right corner of the screen, whereas the other one becomes available when you've selected a part and go into the "Rotate" menu (which is a horrible place for the Variables, Attachments, and Fine Tuner menus BTW...).
    SUGGESTION: Merge them together and offer a simple Tabulated setup on the menu that opens to switch between Global and Part variable screens; if a part is selected when clicking the icon in bottom-right, it could automatically go to that Tab then.

  • Riveting Action [ 11 PARTS TOTAL ] - omg you won’t believe this like and subscribe 3.4 years ago

    umm every 60 seconds in africa a minute passes.

    "Don't worry about the world ending today. It's already tomorrow in Australia." - Charles Schulz (paraphrased, from one of his "Peanuts" comics)

  • TF2 Tank 3.5 years ago

    Seeing that GIF really made my day lmao
    Updooted for that fact alone!
    (I've obviously never played Team Fortress 2... heh)

  • New engine type unlocked! 3.5 years ago

    Well done!
    Now all it needs is a VTOL engine, with some scaled down Thrusters mated to each 'cylinder' to act as a firey exhaust :D
    I hope you'll share it at some point, because I'm rather curious what all is happening in the center lol Looks very was and chaotic, whatever it is that's going on there... (took my crappy internet awhile to download those clips, but now they're playing fluidly and now I'm even more curious what's going on! lol)

  • Piston Hound 3.7 years ago

    WHO'S a good boooyyy?!

  • [SUGGESTION] Exhaustive List of Font Characters to Add (please) 3.3 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison @WNP78
    Sorry, but having spent quite the amount of time compiling and formatting that, I'm not risking it to chance that it gets seen... :}

  • Anyone else notice the Asterisk in the "Military" font?? 3.3 years ago

    @Bellcat To... Boldly go...?
    *snort* :}

  • Does anyone pay attention to the Uservoice? 3.3 years ago

    I feel the exact same way, and considering we can't vote on new stuff until the others are closed by a dev, we don't get our points back to distribute. Sorta defeats the purpose. (I think you also need points to post there, further complicating things)
    I've given up using it and post everything here, instead.

  • What litteral boredom leads to 3.4 years ago

    @DDVC That feels like the definition of "The Time Period While You're Silver/Bronze Ranked" lol
    For me, I'm still doing "derpy" stuff, learning what unconventional/unintended things I can do with parts. Like commandeering the USS Tiny by parasitically latching myself onto it and using my own thrust to move it... haha
    Not a 'new' thing to the SP community by any means, but certainly new to me, which is exactly my point! Because as you said: "you don't know what you doing but still have fun somehow"

  • Mars 3.6 years ago

    @AcePlayer The Android version of my "Ingenuity" helicopter that I linked to in my comment below?
    It's such a low part count vehicle, that I don't see why an android-specific version would be necessary... (or even possible lol)
    For shared builds, as far as I know, the vehicles work on any version of Simple Planes -- Mac, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS.

  • AST-104 ''Cerberus'' 3.7 years ago

    O_O Holy amazing coincidence...
    We both created a:
    - triple gun system
    - of the same style
    - posted it on the same day
    - and gave it the same name of Cerberus!
    Had I posted mine earlier in the day like I planned, we even would've posted them at the same time... (yours went up 6hrs earlier).
    I had to do a double-take, thinking it was a successor of mine (got excited for a moment heh), but it was not, we just were on the exact same wavelength lol
    Though, yours no doubt took more than the day that mine took me to make, and it shows since yours has way more going on in every way :P
    I also see that you've similarly used "Hydra", which was going to be my next iteration of my railgun. Soooo I'll have to think of a new name! hahah
    Looks sweet, nice job! :) (though I'm obviously a little biased lol)

  • GE36 aka Propfan UDF 3.7 years ago

    @pbirb Yea, I'm limited despite there being more than ample "power" to go faster, as I feel like SP has a coded limitation on that. 750-760MPH regardless of altitude. Very strange. While that is technically > Mach 1 at 12K/ft altitude, I'm just... thinking there's something I'm missing on why that's the limit.
    Although, I did witness the game not knowing what to do with the propellers once you dial things up past "Absurd" lmao My twin hub design (8 blades each), when I set the Max Input to 5, when looking at my plane flying from the side, the engine was displaying basically 3 'rings' spinning... Because the larger diameter hub assembly was wobbling so violently it was appearing as 2 individual hubs hahah
    I also didn't get to upload it this evening like I"d hoped due to chasing a stupid auto-roll issue. It's all done now at least and will go up tomorrow, but for now I sleep!

  • Your fix to everything 3.7 years ago

    I believe in terms of airplanes and racecars, it's called "Speedtape", "Hurricane Tape" "200MPH Tape", "500MPH Tape", etc. Since, those are designed for temporary repairs that can stick to their intended surface, even at speed. Since it doesn't do much good by falling off at 30,000ft lol
    I also recently learned that even the name of "Duct Tape" is a bit of a misnomer and that it's preferred that it NOT be used on HVAC ducting, or that it be called Duct Tape due to that. The tape for HVAC Ducting with high-temp adhesive didn't even roll out (pun intended) until the late 70s, even though the tape we know and love had been around with the nickname of Duck Tape for decades prior.
    NASA has kept it in their bag of "Things Astronauts Need Just In Case" basically as long as there have been Astronauts! Though they call it simply "Gray Tape", which is more apt.
    A common phrase my friends would use in reference to it, which I won't repeat here but won't be hard to figure out, was "If you can't Duck-it, ___-it!"
    In other words, if what you're trying to fix is so incredibly broken that even Duck Tape can't temporarily fix it... then it's not worth the time and throw it away/move on! :P

  • Uneven and unsatisfying work of mirroring tool. 3.2 years ago

    Ranting aside...
    I made a post... as I'm sure many before me have... that requested a Copy-Paste like feature for Fine Tuner (using its MutliSelect ability), and letting us Store temporary Sub-Assemblies to the number-row of these Copied selections. For primarily this exact reason.
    Which paired with my other request of Fine Tuner having a Mirror/Flip function, which ALSO works on what we've MultiSelected...
    So we could copy and mirror specific portions that for-this-build-only we need to act as a collective part, but can't use Mirror tool because we'd lose our elaborate Attachments system -- or, didn't want to slog through every part to UNDO all the erroneous connections that get made, like when using Rotators.
    The amount of QoL issues I run into that are present and have been present for years, that I don't see ever getting addressed, have me getting frustrated to the point of wanting to step away from SP again :(

  • Uneven and unsatisfying work of mirroring tool. 3.2 years ago

    YES! So much this!

    However, it's not just MIrror that sucks at "mirroring" for part connections, or the rare instance that the part ""mirrors"" to the same side, OR the sort of rare instance where the rotations aren't right, that are frustrating.... but also the Drag system's inability to properly be "mirror"!! *sigh*
    With my build centered -- or rather, what SP insists is the "center", which sometimes drifts to 0.000085 for example -- the SAME part on one side will generate 40-more Drag Points (on average) than the other.
    But, it's not as simple as being a "bias" to one side or the other...
    Nay, the thing will flip-flop between a part on the Left being more-draggy than the right, then another part on the Right that's more-draggy than its Left side counterpart.
    So I get to play that super-awesome-funtime game of Whack-A-Mole by manually going over almost every damn part where I:
    1) Get a Baseline Drag Points count
    2) Zero it's dragScale on a part
    3) Make a note of the new Drag Points value
    4) Change its dragScale back to 1
    5) Go to the part on the other side, change its dragScale to 0
    6) Make a note of the new Drag Points value
    7) Return its dragScale to 1
    8) Compare the results to determine which side's part is "draggier"
    9) Go to that side's part, lower its dragScale by a rough guesstimate of an amount (based on how much drag the part creates overall, vs the difference between each side)
    10) Note the new Drag Points value... does it now match what the other side alone generated?
    ---10a) IF YES: damn I'm good!!! Nailed it on the first try! (very very very unlikely) Proceed to Step 11
    ---10b) IF NO: go-to Step 9 until YES
    11) Do all the colors match between Left and Right side parts?
    ---11a) IF YES: hurray you're done! GET BACK TO WORK!
    ---11b) IF NO: go-to Step 12
    12) Select the next part whose drag clearly doesn't match the other side and go-to Step 1.... :(
    So I repeat... *sigh*

  • Which Speed Readout does everyone prefer? GS, IAS, TAS? 3.3 years ago

    bc that's the only way aviation does it

    That is, until you start to fly REALLY high, at which point you enter into another industry, all of which uses Metric... Even NASA. lol
    I'm 'Murican though, so it's MPH, Feet, and degrees Farfignugen. I have noticed that Knots are preeeetty close to MPH, thanks to the Gauges, but it's a large enough discrepancy up around 240MPH that it's around 220Knots; not so bad really.

    @ReturnOfJeffChandler Mmm You could start here maybe?? lol
    But hard to trust the info there, because of how incorrect that top value provided is. That was only true (IMO at least) until the very early 2000s, before someone thew a hissyfit over the fact the fries were cooked in the same grease as some meat (and had some beef fat too I think, for flavor). For crying out loud, if you're going to an unhealthy-as-hell place such as McD's, your opinion on how they make their fries should be completely invalid! hahaha But nope, had to ruin it for the rest of us... *sobs*

  • [SUGGESTION] A slider for setting the corners of fuselage 3.3 years ago

    Yes please. This is sort of. similar to my own recent suggestion, which would pair lovely with this.
    Please add "4-Corner Manipulation" to Fuselage and Wings!
    @ReinMcDeer You'll probably be onboard with the 4-corner idea, for that reason you just suggested.
    In the meantime, if you hadn't seen my post about tweaking Slice values through Override, it can help with making Slices (cuts) more customized. Granted, it's still quite limited in its capabilities, but it CAN save you from having to add at least 1 extra chunk of Fuselage at times. :)
    Also this one, which I should have added to the above, that points out that you can also "hack" the Fuselage Cone, to make it easier to slice.
    The TL;DR for that post is that you need to manually change the cone's "tip" size (which is actually, oddly, the rearScale), as it defaults to 0,0 and that's what makes the Slice so unwieldy. Paired with manually adding the Slice line/values for the Pointy end (which is fillBack 1,1,1,1; all 1's is default though and will auto-delete the line, so set any of them to 0.99 to keep it around), you get even more freedom.
    (Both are linked in my profile, too, for ease of access at any time.)

  • how can I make more stable airplanes 3.3 years ago

    To clarify further, the Center of Mass (CoM - Red sphere/lines), Center of Thrust (CoT - Yellow), and Center of Lift (CoL - Blue) are dependant on your PROPULSION as well -- in other words, the type of plane you're building.
    WWII Jets had their engines on the wings, so CoT was more mid-point.
    WWII Props had their engines either on the wings for multi-engine, or one at the absolute front, so CoT was either similar to those Jets, or right at the front.
    "Modern Military Jets" (roughly Korean-war and newer) generally have their Jet engine at the absolute rear, so CoT is opposite to that of a single-engine Prop.
    I'm not an expert yet but I've worked out this much so far, on how to place your CoL and CoM in respect to CoT:
    REAR Engine: CoT - - - CoL - - CoM
    WING Engine: CoL - CoT - - CoM
    FRONT Engine: CoL - CoM - - - - CoT
    Lastly, ideally only use "Symmetrical" airfoils (Wing part setting) on the Tail (Rudder and Elevators), with the Primary wings set to "Semi-Symmetric" or "Flat Bottom". If your main wings are set to "Symmetrical", it has a chance of being really unstable. (Example: the new "Twin Prop" included in the game; unless they included my fixed version I sent them, which if it has interior lighting now then they have)
    It's a shame these forums only display posts for a few days, as I'm sure there's a wealth of this sort of knowledge that could be found by just clicking through old pages. (I know we can search but that doesn't allow for 'stumbling across gems' T_T)

  • (+Pics) [XML] New Discovery! Using Fill (Slice Tool) with GREATER-THAN 1.0 or NEGATIVE Values 3.3 years ago

    @Kangy Yea, for me personally, finding a way to replace the "Angle" / "Inlet Slant" function, is going to be really handy. I won't have to worry as much about if I have a Fuselage the "right way around" in order to use it lol
    Though, similarly, being able to adjust where the slice ends, now also means a person doesn't need to use 2 pieces of Fuselage to accomplish that same sort of taper! :D

    @AWESOMENESS360 I'm "ok" at building, but am better at finding ways to exploit stuff to do (or look) how it wasn't intended! So the quicker I can figure out ways to manipulate stuff, the quicker the community can come up with ways to use it and make all kinds of... *ahem* awesomeness... with them! lol
    For example, I recently found out that a Sliced in half Inlet, if the middle value of the scale variable is set to -1 (so 1,-1,1; at least in how mine was sliced)... it looks fine in the Designer, but when spawned into the game it sort of turns itself inside-out and looks 2D :}

  • Is There a List of ALL XML Properties? 3.3 years ago

    Yes, not providing us with the complete list of functions, to me, is a huge "dropped the ball" situation with the devs :\ Only they have the means to tell us definitively, via their access tot he source.
    I also wanted to even offer to pay WNP78 to update Overload so that it would PROVIDE all the available baked in variables and their valid values... but everyone dubbed it a "bribe" for some reason. (Pretty sure most didn't read the entire post, which... it was long, as all mine tend to be...)
    I've never heard of the two you've mentioned, and am keen to play with them now. Though I'll need to know what details you have on ignitionDelay so I can go about utilizing it :P
    All I have to offer is that the main Part variable of partCollisionResponse can be set to None (case sensitive), which seems to basically make parts still collidable BUT immune to taking damage.
    Also that you can change the Airfoil manually to NACAPROP to access the airfoil that is used on Props/Heli Rotors (this may actually be in SimpleCheats). As I'd been told, the difference is that this airfoil has a linear and hard coded stall table that... I guess makes it unable to actually stall? *shrug*
    The technicality behind it is beyond me; however, in my experience playing with it I can share that it is poor at producing lift, in that it's very similar in that regard to the "Symmetrical" airfoil but it can handle much greater AoA's, and therefore seems to work really well for fully-moving control surfaces (ie canards).
    (Again, poor lifting properties, so for a canard you'd sort of want to make sure your plane flies well without them)

  • Here are some cool ideas I think others have also thought of 3.4 years ago

    [apologies if this results in a double or triple post... the forum software (not my browser) keeps giving me an error when I click Submit, after ~30sec]
    @AeroAeroTheMen Unity to the rescue once again! <3 :\
    Yea I guess at this stage they would indeed need to provide an input capability (named trigger, sounds fitting) for Bomb's that would in turn be able to govern their detonation if modified.

  • [PINNED] Markdown Formatting 3.4 years ago

    @Amirabadi Sorry for not replying, I don't pop in here often and so I didn't see your question. :(
    Yea the guide above is lacking that, even though it actually ALMOST provides the info... lol
    It's the same as for adding images, except no use of !.
    [text to become a link](https://link.goeshere.com)
    Turns into:
    text to convert to link
    You can also take it FURTHER, by making it so Images can be clickable Links -- which I find handy, since this site will shrink pictures you post (pics do not work inside Comments though).
    For that, you have to "nest" the image code inside the Link. So instead of the Text inside [] you place the entire Image code. Using the above provided image, that would look like this:
    That would display the Simple Planes logo pic, and let you click it to view it on its own. The ITALICS text is the Image code which is nested inside the BOLD text which is the Link code. (I know, kinda hard to follow, but is honestly a fringe case anyhow)

    @WNP78 Maybe you can edit to add that into, or at least the Link part, the original post?
    If so, I'd recommend adding that in order to use some characters, it needs to be Escaped with a \ first in order to override the Markdown.
    Also that it seems that the < part is no longer an issue (as I'm editing this because I had included it as an example): <test>
    (For anyone else reading this part, that's how I went about typing the above link examples without them actually turning into links; and to make that \ I had to type \\ to escape the first slash heh)
    EDIT: Oh, and of course include that using code text is... NOT friendly at all to actual code as I've mentioned below. Mainly that common characters in code get converted to HTML Encoding? (Or something)
    EXAMPLE: &lt;text> [text] (text) {text} !Exclamation &quot;Quote
    &#39;Apostrophe ,Comma \Backslash /Forwardslash _Underscore
    +Plus =Equals &amp;Ampersand etc etc

    (Oooh that's where the <+text fails, in the code blocks haha)

  • Funky Trees! 3.4 years ago

    @KyaRL People who make LUA scripts ("recipes" in the game) for the science game Fold.it use this to calculate a "Random" number ("seed").
    Granted, it doesn't translate over to SP, it seems easily able to be SOMEWHAT replicated from what I see available (and I suck at FT and "recipe" coding!).

    while seed&lt;10000000 do seed=seed*10 end

    Perhaps something that does like...
    pingpong(Latitude, Longitude) * Time / log(Altitude, Fuel)
    Again, I am not a coder, or good at math, so I don't know if that will resolve into a number -- or how to even get the number, for that matter -- but it feels like it should be able to produce a fairly random as hell number... provided you aren't immediately checking for it at the time whatever you built spawns in.
    Though, while I feel the key there is using pingpong, I get the impression that using Longitude and/or Latitude might not work directly, without some further nested math, to ensure it is always a positive value. Just seems like pingpong will always be a fairly random result on its own, and then when factored with everything else, ensures that you end up with a random value. But again, getting that equation to not error AND THEN getting the value it spits out, is where you're on your own... :}

  • How do we use the new "Hide" feature? 3.4 years ago

    I'm not sure if this is the same question that @XYeetusdeletusx was asking or not...
    So just in case, I'm pinging you. since your thread divulged into a meme on account of your choice of words. :P

  • Auto reloading system demo [Not Functional] 3.4 years ago

    @JuanNotAnAlt Oh crap I forgot that doing @ in the actual forum posts doesn't Tag people LOL Will do that now *facepalm*

  • Riveting Action [ 11 PARTS TOTAL ] - omg you won’t believe this like and subscribe 3.4 years ago

    Can't beat this with a stick!
    No, literally, it's 2D, and beating it with a stick means you're hitting the plane, and that's destruction of property! :}
    But srsly, I once considered using micro-hemispheres, but concluded Eff that noise! That'd take the better part of a week and at least 3-quarters of my remaining 15% of sanity...
    (No... be quiet Jimmy! I'm not telling them that... Why? Because man, that hippo isn't even real! Yes, I know you aren't either, but I'm failing to see your point?! Oohhh, because i'm typing this... Yea alright, that's fair.)

  • [PINNED] Markdown Formatting 3.4 years ago

    Lets see if I understand it...
    test text line 1 test text line 1 test text line 1 test text line 1 test text line 1 test text line 1 test text line 1 test text line 1 test text line 1 test text line 1 test text line 1 test text line 1
    test text line 2 test text line 2 test text line 2 test text line 2 test text line 2 test text line 2
    test text line 3
    test text line 4

    EDIT: Ok, so it still sucks since it doesn't do word-wraping but here's how to do it...
    [] = hitting spacebar ONCE
    [][][][]type your first line here, just remember that if it's too long, it will be cut off!
    [][][][]type your next line here, and same limit of text, so it can't be too long.
    [][][][]line 3
    [][][][]line 4 etc
    That will, after replacing [][][][] with 4-spaces, result in this:

    type your first line here, just remember that if it&#39;s too long, it will be cut off!
    type your next line here, and same limit of text, so it can&#39;t be too long.
    line 3
    line 4 etc

  • [PINNED] Markdown Formatting 3.4 years ago

    @Amirabadi You cannot enter "line breaks" (making a new line) from in game while sharing, unfortunately. :(
    That leaves you with basically two choices...
    A) Take your pictures, add a title, and then at the bottom change it from Public to Unlisted, and Share.
    Then, once it's uploaded and it opens your browser to that page, Log-In to your account on the website (if it isn't already; mine generally is) and go back to that page.
    At the top right, BELOW where the big blue Download button is, you'll see where it says "0 downloads [ v ]".
    Click on the [ v ] to expand a new menu. Inside that will be an option to "Edit".
    NOW you can go in and add line-breaks, add formatting (like bold and italics, etc), and make it look nicer.
    After you've typed everything you want, save it.
    Once again, click on the [ v ], but this time select "Publish", and that will make it so everyone can see it since it will show up in the Airplanes list.
    B) Type up the info you want in-game before sharing, like you have been. Maybe leave some obvious placeholder where you intended there to be line-breaks, so it makes it quicker for you once you've uploaded (I usually just hit the spacebar 5 times to do this).
    Now, same as above, when you've shared it and it opens your browser, you'll click on [ v ] and select "Edit", then go in to replace your placeholders with line-breaks.

    I usually go with option B, because I've found that uploading Unlisted ones still counts towards your daily upload limit (I think of 3?), and then Publishing it seems to ALSO count towards the limit... Or at least that's what happened when I tried to publish one an hour after uploading it, but I digress...
    What I do is just, in game, type in the bulk of the info I can (until it's too small for me to read anymore), adding a note at the bottom like [MORE DETAILS TO BE ADDED IN A MOMENT].
    Then during the short time it's unlisted while it's "Publishing...", I'll edit the description on the website, periodically Saving the description to update it in semi-real time for anyone checking it out. Usually I'm adding in the description about controls or takeoff procedure, so once I've finished the controls I'll save, then go back and start with takeoff procedure, save again, come back for landing procedure, etc etc etc.
    Not ideal, admittedly. But neither is having to deal with the limited shares in a 24hr period :P

  • Can you name them all? 3.5 years ago

    RED: 39
    ORANGE: 7
    BLUE: 20
    "OTHER" COLOR: 11
    Presumed Accuracy: 93.194%
    Too low of res for me to do any better :(
    .... And I think I might've counted some that were buildings, and others that were docks. _(However, I stopped counting things I thought might be docks after realizing that probability, so there'd only be 2 or 3 mixed in with the 'white' count)

  • [NOT MY DESIGN] Avalon Industries AZ Experimental Assault Vehicle ''Cerberus'' (fixed mk.ii) 3.7 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick Yes you told me, which is what motivated me to do more testing. It was that, which all the below were based on, as I went back and started testing over from scratch (ie, this upload of yours).
    If the Cockpit is rotated, things are off.
    If the part that the cockpit is attached to is rotated, things are off.
    And I feel like if they didn't insist on re-rotating things, and would keep what we apply for angles, this wouldn't be a problem lol
    (which by that I mean, whatever causes, for instance, if I input something akin to 0, 0, 180 and then when I go click back on that part, it's rotation is now suddenly 90, 90. 0 [or of that sorts] *sobs* whatever's behind that, I hate it, but I think might be at fault here too).

  • Auto Aiming WW2 Ball Turret 3.7 years ago

    *gasp* I think that shortestAngle is the useful bit 'o code I needed, to make a turret's traverse ring's Rotator not suck arse!
    (ie, allow it to go from -1 directly to 1, without having to first go through 0)
    <3 @DwiAngkasaAeronautics

  • RAT-2 (give your opinion) 3.7 years ago

    Looks cool, but what is it?
    Is this some sort of Auxilliary Power Unit that is basically a "wind powered generator" which gets deployed in flight?
    Or is it a small "Helper" propeller-equipped electric motor for use on shorter runways? Sort of like a JATO... except... PATO?? lol
    .....*gasps* :O



  • Jumping HypnoFROG 3.7 years ago

    @Thunderhawk Thanks :)
    Though credit still to LunchBox for the majority of its body, and of course the fact that had he not made it in the first place I wouldn't have ever thought to do any of this!
    (Also to @Sadboye12 for the glowing glass trick. I promise I'll stop mentioning you some day, but I love the effect too much and appreciate you sharing how it's accomplished! I even used it on the landing legs of my Mars "Ingenuity" helicopter drone as a bit of a reference-indicator for night landing... lol)

  • 25,079 part Tutorial Plane 3.7 years ago

    Just saying...
    That third Blueprint Image is....... strangely artistic and soothing to look at???
    Maybe it's just me... heh
