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Uneven and unsatisfying work of mirroring tool.

1,970 Rakoval500k  3.2 years ago

Is it possible for you to fix the mirror tool so it could always mirror all the part connections evenly? It fails to do that on a regular basis, especially if tasked to mirror the parts that are interlapping/very close to each other/have multiple connections/rotated to a certain degree at certain axis. This failure oftenly results in undesired drag asymmetry, moving parts malfunction, and parts falling out in flight because motherqacking mirror tool just failed to copypaste some part connections. Finding and reconnecting those failed parts manually can be a pain in the butt if there's more than 400-600 parts. Also, I would like it to be capable of mirroring the "bizarre" connections, like
this one
2021 October 16 edit: I should've point out that both("whole-half" and "individual") mirroring tools suffer those issues under certain conditions being met. I am now building a stealthy jet with interconnected "panel" fuselages, and this problem pops out even when I mirror only a single fuselage part.
Also I use a "whole-half" mirroring very rarely.

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    1,970 Rakoval500k

    @MrSilverWolf I heard this method before, and I do admit that it partially mitigates the issue. But, your "re-attach the stuff by hand then nudge back in" is essentially what I normally do. Also, if i move the stuff away to mirror, there's again a hefty probability of a mirrored part/parts failing to connect. And, as you have possibly deduced, I am asking for a radical solution from developers or modders, I.E. overhaul of mirror tools to a more consistent and comfortable state. I suggest you to look at the small blue link in my post if you didn't, whole-half/individual mirror tool just fails to comprehend this kind of manual connection, and I wish the modders or developers to do something with it. But, I got an update several minutes ago, so I gonna look what's there. Tell me if I want too much...

    3.2 years ago
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    @Rakoval500k maybe nudge the moving parts away from the craft, then re attach the stuff by hand then nudge back in? also two updates ago should have fixed this?

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    71.5k MintLynx

    @Rakoval500k Aaaah I see, well I can agree that even half mirroring sometimes has issues. My biggest issues are when connections don't carry over and the stupid 'failed to mirror part because the same part is one the other side' crap which doesn't work properly at all and often triggers when there is obviously no such part. I personally think it should just be removed.

    3.2 years ago
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    1,970 Rakoval500k

    @MintLynx Well, seems like I wrote my post a bit incorrectly... I should've point out that i'm talking about both mirror tools, for both of them tend to suffer those issues when certain conditions are met. My bad.

    3.2 years ago
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    1,970 Rakoval500k

    @Gestour So, only test'n'reconnect manually? So be it, good thing I constantly use designersuite.

    3.2 years ago
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    1,970 Rakoval500k

    @MrSilverWolf "Individual" mirroring tool suffers those issues as well.

    3.2 years ago
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    Yeah I’d also recommend just mirroring the selected parts individually rather than mirroring the whole plane

    3.2 years ago
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    315k Gestour

    @MintLynx This is the way!

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    71.5k MintLynx

    @Gestour I literally haven't touched the mirror (entire aircraft) function in forever. I only ever use the one part mirror.

    +3 3.2 years ago
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    4,364 Formula350

    Ranting aside...
    I made a post... as I'm sure many before me have... that requested a Copy-Paste like feature for Fine Tuner (using its MutliSelect ability), and letting us Store temporary Sub-Assemblies to the number-row of these Copied selections. For primarily this exact reason.
    Which paired with my other request of Fine Tuner having a Mirror/Flip function, which ALSO works on what we've MultiSelected...
    So we could copy and mirror specific portions that for-this-build-only we need to act as a collective part, but can't use Mirror tool because we'd lose our elaborate Attachments system -- or, didn't want to slog through every part to UNDO all the erroneous connections that get made, like when using Rotators.
    The amount of QoL issues I run into that are present and have been present for years, that I don't see ever getting addressed, have me getting frustrated to the point of wanting to step away from SP again :(

    +2 3.2 years ago
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    4,364 Formula350

    YES! So much this!

    However, it's not just MIrror that sucks at "mirroring" for part connections, or the rare instance that the part ""mirrors"" to the same side, OR the sort of rare instance where the rotations aren't right, that are frustrating.... but also the Drag system's inability to properly be "mirror"!! *sigh*
    With my build centered -- or rather, what SP insists is the "center", which sometimes drifts to 0.000085 for example -- the SAME part on one side will generate 40-more Drag Points (on average) than the other.
    But, it's not as simple as being a "bias" to one side or the other...
    Nay, the thing will flip-flop between a part on the Left being more-draggy than the right, then another part on the Right that's more-draggy than its Left side counterpart.
    So I get to play that super-awesome-funtime game of Whack-A-Mole by manually going over almost every damn part where I:
    1) Get a Baseline Drag Points count
    2) Zero it's dragScale on a part
    3) Make a note of the new Drag Points value
    4) Change its dragScale back to 1
    5) Go to the part on the other side, change its dragScale to 0
    6) Make a note of the new Drag Points value
    7) Return its dragScale to 1
    8) Compare the results to determine which side's part is "draggier"
    9) Go to that side's part, lower its dragScale by a rough guesstimate of an amount (based on how much drag the part creates overall, vs the difference between each side)
    10) Note the new Drag Points value... does it now match what the other side alone generated?
    ---10a) IF YES: damn I'm good!!! Nailed it on the first try! (very very very unlikely) Proceed to Step 11
    ---10b) IF NO: go-to Step 9 until YES
    11) Do all the colors match between Left and Right side parts?
    ---11a) IF YES: hurray you're done! GET BACK TO WORK!
    ---11b) IF NO: go-to Step 12
    12) Select the next part whose drag clearly doesn't match the other side and go-to Step 1.... :(
    So I repeat... *sigh*

    +2 3.2 years ago
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    315k Gestour

    I suggest not using it at all. Or if you must, only mirror 1 part at a time, and then test it immediately to see if it falls off.

    +4 3.2 years ago
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    11.9k X99STRIKER

    Yes… with dark magic and satanic powers.

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    1,970 Rakoval500k


    3.2 years ago