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Here are some cool ideas I think others have also thought of

7,085 sam1333  3.3 years ago

I would love to see bomb timers added into game!, or even funky code for that.

Onother one is how many rounds go by before a tracer does, like with the cannons you can choose when the tracers are set. Let's say the average US fighter like the F4F has its tracers set to every 4-6 shots, so when you are making a replica you can have the accurate fire rate and tracer count without extra wing guns and not looking like you have a mingun on your aircraft because of the tracers (hey hey hey, this might mean lower part counts) I know there are ways about this but I thought it would be cool since the cannons in-game already have this feature I was wondering if the wing guns could have it as well

If you guys have any thoughts or ideas let me know!

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    7,085 sam1333

    @Aviationfilms109 no not really; if we are just asking for a part to make less part counts, I said nothing about not wanting to do it the way we have to now, I'm just saying it would be nice to have in the future for even more mobile friendly-ness

    3.3 years ago
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    @sam1333 all summed up in a simple sentence: im lazy, you're lazy, add this so we can be happy in laziness.

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    @sam1333 ahh ok

    +2 3.3 years ago
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    7,085 sam1333

    @MrShenanigans what I'm I'm thinking is how many rounds go by before a tracer round fires so let's say I'm firing a wing gun and the tracers are shooting every single round, what if we could make it so it should shoot a tracer every other round or every 3 or 4 or 6 rounds to make our things more accurate and lower part count

    3.3 years ago
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    About that wing gun thing are you talking about like limited rounds in it? So that when you shoot you can only have a certain amount of rounds?

    +2 3.3 years ago
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    4,347 Formula350

    [apologies if this results in a double or triple post... the forum software (not my browser) keeps giving me an error when I click Submit, after ~30sec]
    @AeroAeroTheMen Unity to the rescue once again! <3 :\
    Yea I guess at this stage they would indeed need to provide an input capability (named trigger, sounds fitting) for Bomb's that would in turn be able to govern their detonation if modified.

    +2 3.3 years ago
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    3,656 Dathcha

    Why would wing guns need it. Cannons are better in every way

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    4,347 Formula350

    @AeroAeroTheMen You can make your "proximity" currently, assuming you're referring to them not exploding on contact with water. Someone made that already, though unfortunately I don't have the link :\
    I kinda-sorta made a remotely-detonated nuke... although it's a flying nuke, that you pilot remotely (with the new Flight Computer, I can officially make it a drone in that sense). The triggering mechanism was a Cannon that I scaled to being pancake size, placed at the bomb's nose. You just armed its AG, set it to either Air-to-Air or Air-to-Ground, and fired it when you wanted it to explode. (Which, coincidentally, is almost exactly how a nuke goes nuclear! Just not man-triggered, like mine)
    I think you'd want to use the AltitudeAgl in whatever it is you make that triggers the bomb, since that's the FunkyTrees code for "Above ground level". Setting it to AltitudeAgl = 1 then would make it detonate at exactly 1 meter(?) above ground-level; or if over water, at exactly that height above sea-level. :) And I believe with the new Variables system, you could even set it up to fire the cannon attached to it (though I can't say that with certainty). Otherwise perhaps a very-fast-moving Piston extending into the bomb's nose may be enough force to trigger it into exploding...

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    delayed bomb fuse so i don't die from my own bob is cool yes

    +2 3.3 years ago
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    7,085 sam1333

    @AndrewGarrison hey man I don't mean to bother you, and I'm a pretty small builder but what do you think? And are there any funky tree codes already out there that we haven't tried?

    Thanks for any reply and you guys are doing amazing work on the game!!

    3.3 years ago