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Is There a List of ALL XML Properties?

16 CovenantSlayer  3.3 years ago

I have a few lists to start with, including the following;

SimpleCheats (

Funky Trees Guide (

However, neither contain certain things such as liftScale or ignitionDelay, which I've found are pretty handy. Anyone have anything on these or how to find them in the code?

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    38.1k V

    @CovenantSlayer also, ill add you as a contributor, as i had no clue that IgnitionDelay existed until i read this post

    3.2 years ago
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    38.1k V

    @CovenantSlayer Thanks haha, the release date is much closer than you think.

    3.2 years ago
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    @V The hero we needed but not the one we deserved

    3.2 years ago
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    38.1k V

    @Formula350 I plan on making a huge deal about it on the forums, and will have the mods put it in the useful links post. I already have a release date planned for it

    +2 3.2 years ago
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    4,347 Formula350

    @V Can you please @ me when you post your findings? :)
    Also, thanks for taking the time to do so!

    3.2 years ago
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    38.1k V

    @CovenantSlayer just finished off the list itself, im doing the introduction and fact checking now

    +2 3.2 years ago
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    @V How's that list comin' along?

    3.2 years ago
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    4,347 Formula350

    Hmmm I probably should've tried the thing before I posted. heh
    Applying that density variable to a Wing does NOT stick. It was probably removed from the game long ago and is a latent setting they forgot to remove.

    3.2 years ago
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    4,347 Formula350

    @CovenantSlayer It's the same folder that our Planes get saved to.
    If you're on PC, copy and paste this into a folder's "address box", or after opening Start Menu:
    Mac/Linux I dunno, but it's wherever you install Mods to; Mobile, you're on you own lol.
    Unfortunately, as I found out, we CANNOT modify it *sigh*
    Or if we can it'll take doing something additional (I don't want ot make it Read-Only, but I will if I have to), but I went through the trouble of adding a whole bunch of "custom" parts to make my life easier, having pre-set XML options, but they didn't take because the file gets reset each game start. :(
    There weren't any other juicy bits in there unfortunately. No disable (hidden) parts, or the like. heh
    But if you do take a look and also happen to notice it, I think the Studio related stuff are referring to the image of the Part in the Parts Catalog inside the Designer. (I think internally, the designer is called or referred to as the Studio.)

    3.2 years ago
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    @Formula350 Might I ask where to find the DesignerParts.xml? Assuming that's a freely accessible file. Might have a few more gems in there I'd love to get my hands on.

    3.2 years ago
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    4,347 Formula350

    Aaannd stumble across ANOTHER one, this time coming out of the DesignerParts.xml...
    On the "Vertical Stabilizer" and "Horizontal Stabilizer", in their Wing category, resides this curiosity:
    The Primary, Structural Wing, and Structural Panel all lack it. That would make me think they're using a default value; however, if a part uses a default value that means it does not save it to the plane's XML file.... meaning that this density should show up in them (or through Override).
    At any rate, Googled "what is wing density" and:

    Wing density is then simply the aircraft mass m over its wing volume VOLwing. This represents the mean density of the aircraft as if it were compressed into its wing.

    (I had to fudge the formatting a bit since the forums doesn't support Subscript, but originally it was "VolWing" and Wing was subscript.)
    From this journal/paper via "On the wing density and the inflation factor of aircraft"
    Unfortunately that's way out of my league... but, it sounds like POSSIBLY changing it can (if it's still supported in the game) could effect the "Wing Loading" value. And/Or impact the amount of Wing Flex exhibited in Wing-1 (unused part) and Wing-3 parts?? (as a Wing-2 part doesn't exhibit any flexing)

    3.2 years ago
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    4,347 Formula350

    Found another one, NO idea what it does besides being in reference to the rendering system... (if I remember correctly, "Depth Mask" are used for the Lighting on textures, via shading and reflections)
    renderQueue set to BeforeDepthMask
    Placed right in the main "Part" section.
    So whether there are other choices, or even what. there are for other choices... *shrug*
    I suppose it's plausible that there's also an AfterDepthMask option heh
    EDIT: Nope, After errors, and reverts it back to "Default", as per the console.
    Found it on the Propeller of the new P-51-D that came with the v1.11 update, so you know it's legitimate! (I suppose the fact the game didn't auto-remove it also make it a bit 'obviously legitimate', too lol)

    3.3 years ago
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    36.3k Icey21

    @Formula350 youre supposed to add a new item to the menu actually

    3.3 years ago
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    @Formula350 Oh wow, good catch! It looks like you can assign lift force and drag force as variable outputs.. this looks epic!

    3.3 years ago
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    4,347 Formula350

    Waaaaait a second...
    I just had a Wing selected and accidentally clicked on its Variables menu -- the one in the "Rotate" menu, as this is key -- and saw that there's a Lift Force and Drag Force?? o_0
    Anyone know how to use those?

    3.3 years ago
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    4,347 Formula350

    @ZeroWithSlashedO @IceCraftGaming Aah ok, so it's just the "Firing Delay" on Rockets, but for the Missiles. Strange that it wasn't in the menu, like it is with Rockets. (Then again, the decision for a LOT of things not being in the menu I've found to be strange, so this is par for the course... lol)
    If I ever decide to make a successor Derpship rocket build, that may come in handy. Though even in my original, I just used the Detatcher to handle all of the timing and staging (ie ignition of the rockets).
    liftScale will be fun, though, and just so happens I threw together a Blended Wing design these last few days which I'm thinking are going to benefit from this, given it's reluctance to stay aloft under 250MPH lol
    Anywho, thanks for the explanations!

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    1,169 zwen

    Theoretically you could find every attribute in resources.assets file. In archaic versions that’s where you can change the default setting for parts. I recalled changing the engine output there.

    3.3 years ago
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    ignitionDelay is for missiles. Specifically, it would delay the ignition of the rocket boosters after launch by seconds. This is a great feature for making custom medium-bvr range missiles. Speaking of rocket boosters, I think Rocket Boosters in SP needs to be more solid.

    But liftScale? Damn, I didn't know that existed (which I'm sure literally almost everybody also didn't know.), this is great for something like a flat fuselage design which irl, gives more lift.

    3.3 years ago
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    36.3k Icey21

    @Formula350 I think ignition delay is for missiles

    3.3 years ago
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    36.3k Icey21

    I need liftscale lmao

    3.3 years ago
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    4,347 Formula350

    Yes, not providing us with the complete list of functions, to me, is a huge "dropped the ball" situation with the devs :\ Only they have the means to tell us definitively, via their access tot he source.
    I also wanted to even offer to pay WNP78 to update Overload so that it would PROVIDE all the available baked in variables and their valid values... but everyone dubbed it a "bribe" for some reason. (Pretty sure most didn't read the entire post, which... it was long, as all mine tend to be...)
    I've never heard of the two you've mentioned, and am keen to play with them now. Though I'll need to know what details you have on ignitionDelay so I can go about utilizing it :P
    All I have to offer is that the main Part variable of partCollisionResponse can be set to None (case sensitive), which seems to basically make parts still collidable BUT immune to taking damage.
    Also that you can change the Airfoil manually to NACAPROP to access the airfoil that is used on Props/Heli Rotors (this may actually be in SimpleCheats). As I'd been told, the difference is that this airfoil has a linear and hard coded stall table that... I guess makes it unable to actually stall? *shrug*
    The technicality behind it is beyond me; however, in my experience playing with it I can share that it is poor at producing lift, in that it's very similar in that regard to the "Symmetrical" airfoil but it can handle much greater AoA's, and therefore seems to work really well for fully-moving control surfaces (ie canards).
    (Again, poor lifting properties, so for a canard you'd sort of want to make sure your plane flies well without them)

    +2 3.3 years ago
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    38.1k V

    @CovenantSlayer I'm just writing down all the ones I know about + the ones in simplecheats. They will all have brief descriptions on what they do and how they work. Im also asking around for XML properties that aren't normally listed.

    +2 3.3 years ago
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    @CrimsonOnigiri Discovering lift scale let me design one of my first aircraft that can sustain over 30 degrees AOA.. which I thought was impossible in simpleplanes without the use of mods. It literally changed my (SP) life.

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    @V You linked the SimpleCheats list i linked in the original post. If you're updating it, I'm curious, how do you go about finding part properties? I've pored through all the possible XML files related to the game but none actually hint at any properties that affect parts.

    3.3 years ago
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    38.1k V

    Sorta, but it's very out of date. I'll probably have to make a new one, since the old one isn't updated anymore.

    Link to the list, it is missing Everything past the 1.8 update.

    3.3 years ago
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