Something that I mentioned but did not record was that I was able to get over 2000 drones on gun training with my auto aiming turret. I used a weight to hold down the keys and did other things while it was running. I just posted the video of how I got 1046 drones.
Link to auto turret
the video is edited down to 2-3 minutes. the run took about 30 minutes and ended when i got bored of waiting
Yah it really just depends how long you are willing to wait at that point @PotatoJenkins1
It may or may not have had a buttload of xml modded missiles
rookie numbers
I got like 2000-3200 drones with a custom plane thing I built
Now you have to put 1046 notches on your auto gun
and yes I know its on the page of useful links
@UnderScore correct
absolute chad indeed